I came across this headline this afternoon:

Colleges scramble to recruit students as nationwide enrollment plunges

Hundreds of thousands have left the college pipeline amid pandemic turmoil and the lure of jobs

I find this amazin’ as my son’s school realized a 25% increase in attendees within the past two years. Now this happens to be a high school, but this reflects something different about his school, that the school would attract this much of an increase in attendance.

One of the colleges my son applied to (he is starting college this fall) has a 15% acceptance rate. Why? Because the increase in the number of applicants they have had over the past couple of years massively outpaces the college’s assets to provide an education.

The college my son determined to attend has had a similar increase in applications as well. In fact, I understand the number of accepted students has grown so drastically over the past couple of years the his freshman class size is 15% of the entire student body (they have grown that much).

What’s the difference?

The article’s subtitle blames the situation on the pandemic. To be sure, when it becomes a hindrance to customers to procure what they desire, be it houses, cars or an education, the marketplace will determine an alternative.

But there’s another reason. Students at all levels are not being educated. In fact, students have not received an education at the university level for years.

Case in point. When I attended a large university whose mascot was a worthless nut to our opponents, I enrolled in a Current Events class. One of the assignments for the class was to present a current event topic to the class.

At the end of the class that morning, I asked the professor if it would be alright should I present an alternative Point-Of-View. I was told that was acceptable.

My topic was South Africa. Without divulging the details of the talk, I spoke of the history of South Africa. I spoke of that land being unoccupied by any nation when the ‘Afrikans’ settled there and the only blacks (an acceptable term in the 1970s) were observed when other black tribes chased a tribe into South African lands.

In short, the fighting in South Africa was a black-on-black problem (it still was when Winnie and Nelson suggested necklacing would change the country).

After the presentation, the professor made it very clear to me that my ‘POV was unacceptable at this university.’ My response was, “Then why do you call this place ‘a university’ since it was clear observing the commonality found throughout the universe through the observing the diverse things we see was not an allowable topic of conversation?”

It is obvious, to me, many have found the same narrow-minded pigheadedness that is the socialist mind throughout the ‘higher education industry’ and, as such, many have determined to gain wisdom where gaining wisdom would be welcomed.

Such is the situation in all socialist countries. The difference it how well the country is able to hide this fact.

If that’s the case, then, how do you thrive? How do you provide for yourself, your family, your loved ones?

That’s simple to explain. It’s all mapped out for you in my upcoming book, found exclusively at https://TedLeithart.com

Sign up for my email list and I’ll provide you with the secret last chapter – on how to avoid having 2-3-5 generations live through the tyranny of despots and dictators before wise minds realize the USA (and other free countries) really had something good going on.

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