Amazin’Lee great news I read this week.

I understand China has decided to not continue with the Paris Accords. This is the global warming – Climate Change agreement that everyone signed up to in 2015 that is building the world of 2030, where “we will own nothing and be happy.”

Bobby McFerrin won’t even own the rights to “Don’t Worry, be happy.” The government will – and these wisest among the wise of all time (otherwise known as WOAT = Wisest Of All Time) will determine who gets the rights and income from Bobby’s song.

Yep, the wisest of the wise – of all time.

In fact, they are SO wise the world gave China pretty much the manufacturing duties of most things the West enjoys these day. But that wasn’t good enough.

The WOAT also is busy selling their water rights.

Lemme tell you about water rights. Remember a short time ago when Australia was having problems with wild fires and having a difficult time extinguishing these fires? Do you know why? You see, the WOAT of Australia sold China their water rights. YEP.

And China wouldn’t not allow THEIR water to be used to extinguish the fires… True, true (not a Conspiracy theory).

During the plandemic, the United Kingdom was having major financial problems. The WOAT in Britain found a buyer for their businesses that were failing and the loans that were being defaulted on. Shore did… The People’s Republic of China owns quite a bit of that island today.

Not to be outwitted, we Americans decided to do the same thing.

Look at the $700 million debt that was recently defaulted on in San Francisco. Other similarly sized debts are walked away from by corporations all over America. Who will buy these assets and turn these economic shit-holes around?

Two guesses… Either the same corporations which defaulted on the loan will purchase the asset at bargain basement prices – or China will.

These are the same WOAT who ignored my comment thirty years ago when I stated, “You cannot have a world-class economy by playing the stock market and flipping real estate.” Yet, for thirty years, we have made a pretty good farce of doing this. A farce that America’s economy is strong.

As I said earlier, the best news is China is no longer participating in the Paris Accords. WHY?

There’s only one reason why. China perceives it is in an enviable position. The West is bankrupt. China owns the manufacturing base of the West and is busy buying up real estate and other assets.

In short, China can do what it wants because China believes they are in the driver’s seat. After all, who is going to stop them as our war materiel has been obliterated in Ukraine or sent to Taiwan.

There’s only one way to fix this global economic mess.

Flush globalism and recognize it was born out of a Marxist desire to control the world.

Let China implode the Climate Change lies.

My only question is whether the USA has killed the golden goose well enough to where the United States and the West cannot recover. It may be the only way out is to sell to China at bargain prices.

Nikita Khrushchev said in 1956 that “we will take America without firing a shot.”


How duped do you feel?

There’s only one thing to do – learn how to thrive even while living in slavery – possibly in tyranny. Go to and embrace the strategies.

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