I left the Uniparty prior to 1989

My Dad asked me to attend a weekend symposium in Washington DC in January 1989. I do not recall if it was the last days of Reagan’s time in office or the beginning of H.W’s Administration, but I digress. Anyway, a few days before we were to travel, Dad called and told...

Has She Lost Her Way?

It’s time to sing a song of praise You see, America is going through a phase She’s lost her way in history’s maze For a long time Lady Liberty knew what home was Pilgrim’s Progress, The Declaration and Constitution were the major buzz Beginning in 1620 and continuing...

How I learned to Rip Steel

Several years ago I took dance lessons from Fred Astaire Dance Studios. I learned the Rumba, the Cha-Cha, the Swing, the West Coast Swing, the Foxtrot and others. While taking these lessons, I met my wife who was taking lessons from an independent instructor. One of...

All the money you want, just for the asking

What’s the big deal about the government shutdown? Why the debate over funding Ukraine and not having the money to do so? After all, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes such programs such as the Green New Deal can be funded using Modern Monetary Theory, which holds...

Putin is out to get Hillary, again

Earlier today, Hillary Clinton commented “I fear that the Russians have proved themselves to be quite adept at interfering. And if he has a chance, he’ll do it again.” Additionally, Ms. Clinton insisted that the United States is heading toward fascism. “We have...

New, Improved Economics Leads to Bankruptcy

It became popular with several corporations there were more important things than making a profit. On the one hand, I agree. An individual life is more important than making money. Providing for the family is much more important than making sure I put enough into the...

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