by Ted Leithart | Oct 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dad considered him ‘his best friend’ And their love for each other showed it was not just a trend When Dad was putting together his stereo in 1959 Clyde and Jack were there to ensure the music came out just fine A few years later after we moved to 750, when it snowed...
by Ted Leithart | Oct 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
Last evening, I was looking through a few social media sites and came across a page for Laurel and Hardy. It was and still is entertaining to watch these two men work together. They seemed to always have a different way of accomplishing a task and they were always...
by Ted Leithart | Oct 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Soon you will find You don’t know who you are or who to trust or what your gender is But your overseers will have all the answers you need Because they have daily told you what to think until your ears bleed ‘Follow the science’ when it comes to health Ignore what you...
by Ted Leithart | Oct 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
They say history gets repeated Without Prescott’s money, Hitler would’ve not been had to be defeated Not to be outdone, HW preached about his thousand points of light And George W allowed the CIA to orchestrate 9/11 without a bit of a fight From those on Capitol Hill....
by Ted Leithart | Oct 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
On November 7, (that’s before the snow) On Issue One you should vote NO Today I received mail urging me to say YES To abortion; to children’s ability to say YES WITHOUT their parents guidance when it comes to sex – I do not jest Allowing Little Ayden or Addie to do so...
by Ted Leithart | Oct 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
I was speaking with a local business owner. His business is rebuilding old capping machine. What’s a capping machine, you say? It is a machine which screws on the caps of bottles at a manufacturing facility. An examples is screwing the cap onto your shampoo bottle....