I was speaking with a local business owner. His business is rebuilding old capping machine.
What’s a capping machine, you say? It is a machine which screws on the caps of bottles at a manufacturing facility. An examples is screwing the cap onto your shampoo bottle.
Why do they rebuild them? Mega-large companies such as Proctor & Gamble can afford to purchase the latest capping machines as well as hire a 6-figure engineer to keep them running. Smaller manufacturers cannot afford these new machines, so they are paying to have their own machine with relatively low technology. This will enable them to keep their manufacturing plant open.
It also costs a lot less to maintain hydraulics and pneumatics as well.
And I have long wondered whether other industries, such as the auto industry, would embrace a similar idea. In other words, let the wealthy purchase the expensive, over-the-top technology cars while the average person owns a vehicle using older, simpler technology. A 2023 vehicle versus a 1971 vehicle, for example.
This is especially needed as many auto dealerships do not have the technical expertise in-house to maintain a 2023 vehicle. Nor do the dealerships pay the hours to make it worthwhile for the dealership mechanic to properly diagnose and repair your vehicle.
Conversely, my old 1988 Toyota Supra runs quite well using old technology. It is also quite a bit less expensive to maintain.
I know the auto industry is heavily regulated by the government, but in a free market (read a free society – a capitalistic one). A manufacturer should be able to build old technology cars as well as the most modern vehicles planned.
It is probably not to be. Our bureaucrats and politicians are too sold on being the engineers, doctors, mechanics and machinists in the country (even though they are as wise about a couple of friends I have when it comes to repairs – they don’t know the difference between a phillips and regular screwdriver).
That’s why it is so important to strategize, so you can prosper even while living in tyranny. Just CLICK HERE to be taken to my book Prospering In A Socialist Society. You’ll get strategies as well as real-life experiences written by those who actually lived under tyranny, detailing how they prospered.
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