
You can Whine or You can Win, but you can’t do both…

In the past week or so, several Formula 1 fans have expressed disgust over Helmut Marko’s comment that Sergio Perez’ problem was his inability to focus because South Americans have trouble doing so.

This is not the best and intelligent comment as Fangio and Senna were from South America… Also, Sergio is from Mexico.

But it was words. Demonstrate your heritage and testosterone levels with action, Sergio, and let Helmut lick his verbal wounds.

Nothing else needs to be done.

It is AMAZIN’ how wimpy many people are in the world today. What ever happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” and use the words and actions of others to motivate you to greatness.

I wonder how many truly great people in history cried about others being mean and rude to them? Very few. Without an exception, great people ignore what others say, let their words fall off them like water off a duck’s back and demonstrate their greatness in spite of their enemies.

Instead, the world wants everyone to speak and act like there are no enemies.

All you will get from this is a world where “you will own nothing and be happy”.

Milan police versus American police

A few weeks ago, Carlos Sainz, a F-1 driver for Ferrari, was robbed of his Richard Mille watch.

I would expect one of the top drivers in the world to own a pretty fancy watch, but I was surprised to learn the watch was valued at $500,000.

Sainz was robbed a few hours after completing the Italian grand prix and he was still in his driver’s suit. After being robbed, he chased the robber while being assisted by the Milan police. And the watch was recovered.

In contrast, we Americans seem content with watching California retail stores getting robbed of quite a large haul of merchandize and nothing is done to recover the property. If the property owner would attempt to stop the thieves, they may be prosecuted.

Which begs the question – we pay the police for protection. In fact, a number of police vehicles used to say “To Protect and Serve” on the side of the vehicle. In contrast, shop keepers have paid the mafia for protection as well.

Isn’t it ironic that a nation known to have a large organized crime syndicate (the mafia) seems to be able to protect a person’s property better than the American police (this encompasses the FBI, the CIA and other law enforcement agencies).

Maybe America should put the police on extended leave and hire the mafia to protect our property. Who knows? If they clean up the streets, maybe we can elect mafia members to local, state and federal positions and have them clean up those cesspools as well….

SCOTUS rulings are not law

SCOTUS decisions are not law either. They are simply a decision about a specific case from the top court in the land.

Others can site that decision in other court cases, but it isn’t law.

Congress, the legislature, write law based on the SCOTUS ruling, but without Congress acting, it is still not law.

Executive Orders are not law as well. Again, law is written, passed and enacted by the legislature. The Executive branch is there to keep the law enacted by Congress.

And people want to get rid of the Constitution. That’s NOT the problem

The problem is ignoring the Constitution and doing whatever they damn please.


A great example of this is the confusion about term limits. America already has term limits. It is called the two-year election cycle. But Americans seem to think they can wake up every two years, on the Second Tuesday in November, color in a few circles or click a few switches, feed a piece of paper into a scanner, and go back to sleep.


If that’s America’s election system and process, it is not the elected officials who are at fault. It is the average citizen on Main and Broad and Sycamore and more throughout the country.


No matter who wins, NOW your work is cut out for you. You, your neighbor, your friends, your fellow workers and lodge members and everyone (that includes you) need to monitor your elected officials votes – and hold them to their Oath of Office (of course, you need to know what the Supreme Law of the Land says if you’re going to do this. This past week I called my Representative to note he should not be voting on three funding bills at once – that he should vote for each one separately. By doing so, his constituents can monitor his voting record and easily determine if they are following the law.

You see, it’s not the constituents or any group your elected officials should be loyal to. It’s their Oath of Office. AND YOU are the one to make sure he or she is living up to their oath.


If they are not, THROW the bugger out as they are unethical (at best) and a thief and crook.

Why the Southern Border wall is secondary

There is a lot of talk these days about protecting the US Southern Border. I agree, but we should be protecting ALL of the country’s borders. Without a common culture and belief system uniting us, the country will fragment more than it already has.

But the border crisis was not created in El Paso or or Tijuana or San Luis. No, the border crisis was created and is being sustained by our wonderful tyrants of the Potomac.

And that’s why a Southern Border wall is secondary.

To be sure, it is needed to protect the culture. But more importantly, the United States needs to protect its culture from the aforementioned tyrants. THAT is the wall we need to build.

We need to build a wall around Washington DC as well as a wall around NYC to keep the problems within NYC within NYC. We should be doing the same with many other large cities, such as Chicago and Detroit, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

These walls need to be all designed like the Hotel California.

Let the Potomakers and the Motowners to the New Yorkers to the Francisites and the Angelians enjoy the paradise they have created. Simply do not allow them to foist their ignorance of history upon the remainder of the nation.

Now, on the other hand, you could just let diversity that it imploding the culture to continue. Should you do that, you will need to know how to prosper in a tyrannical society, which is what my book is all about.

Keep in mind the FB police are out and have blocked posts at the simple name of my book and where to get it. So find my name, Ted Leithart and go to my website. There’s a page there that will tell you all about my book.

Do it now, before the FB tyrants dump this post as well.

Here’s why the #USA is in trouble

I was looking at some interesting stats this afternoon.

Between 1900 and 2000, the USA realized an increase of #lawyers by 900%, from 119,000 to over 1 million. Currently there are 1.3 million #attorneys throughout the #USA.

At the same time, the number of #engineers employed in the USA is 229,000. Which means there are 5.7 attorneys for each engineer in this country. Keep in mind without engineers, America would still be living the agrarian culture it was in the late 1800s.

At the same time, the country’s population has increased from 92 million to 331 million. That’s increasing the population over 120 years by 3.6 times. This means attorneys are proliferating over the past 120 years at a rate 3 times of the population growth.

Considering without the massive number of laws created over the past 120 years (the USA wrote more laws during the 1960s than had been written throughout world history to this point). Keep in mind without attorneys, the country would be as free as the late 1800s.

Unfortunately, the only way to feed an attorney is by allowing them to argue disagreements for you and to litigate existing law so iterations can be manufactured and passed.

Eliminating or reducing the number of attorneys does have its consequences. Typically a state undergoing a transition from a free state to a #dictatorial state executes anyone of intellect who could argue against the regime. This means when the attorneys begin to die at a quicker rate than the #Clintons friends, the country will be in the midst of a cultural revolution.

There is only one solution.

It’s been said that those who cannot do math become attorneys. But that’s the solution.

Anytime a young mind expresses interest in the legal profession or becoming a politician, it’s time to enroll that child in remedial math. To not do so will exasperate the problem.

Since law schools continue to graduate young minds full of mush and Johnny can’t do math (although he knows all about the 57 varieties of gender dysphoria as well as how to put a condom on a banana 317 ways), we’re doomed to a socialist state.

Should you wish to have the strategies you need to prosper should you find yourself living under such conditions, go to and grab a copy of my book.

It’ll be healing for your body and comfort for your soul.

Time for football, beer and cheers

College football has kicked off into high gear now that Labor Day weekend is here.

I must admit I am not one, like my brothers, who sit and watch hours of various games to know all the players of the game, the top names of the week (as well as the best plays), and so on.

When we were growing up, they were continually reviewing the box scores and the updated stats of various players and teams.

Rather than telling what I was doing on Saturday afternoons during fall, let’s keep focused.

In 2021, a new cheer appeared at various college stadiums. In fact, on September 7, 2021, this cheer appeared in a number of college games.

Did anything change? Not really.

We still have a dismal economy, partially due to a unscientific mentality that should we close the world for months at a time, it will come back stronger and healthier.

‘Unscientific’ I say. YEEEEPPP. Show me anywhere where a race team stops all practices, stops all racing, puts all the team members on furlough, snowballs all of the instruments and equipment and after several months, they come back stronger.

Show me an athlete who stops training, begins eating the ‘food-like’ substances marketed by the food industry to the masses, forgoes any supplements such as vitamins, minerals and other preparations for performance enhancement, keeps eating as many calories as they did when they were training hard and becomes a couch potato. After months to a year of inactivity, how long will it take this athlete to begin performing at similar levels they did prior to the ‘layoff’?

Show me a wealthy family who stops generating cashflow yet increases their spending habits. In addition, when their credit cards get maxed out, they apply for a higher max and it gets authorized (several times over). After a couple of years of inactivity, the family determines to turn back on their money machines. How long will it take before their ‘machine’ is running as smoothly as before the ‘lockdown’?

YYYYEEPPP. The only thing that makes sense is to analyze the country and the world and realize the Biden Administration has done nothing to earn better respect than they had in the fall of 2021.

To which I say, it’s time to resurrect those old college cheers. FJB!

Review of Prospering in a Socialist State

“Hello Ted, I recently finished your book. Just wanted to say that I appreciate it. I’m a note taker, so for what it’s worth, I thought I’d share some of the notes I took as a form of feedback. These are a combination of questions, observations, and advances in my own thoughts. I use something akin to the Smart Note system of writing down thoughts as they come on index cards. These aren’t in any particular order but, here’s what I had on each notecard:

“The law of entropy applies as much to government as to anything else. Government always degrades toward oligarchy. Monarchy, democracy, anarchy, and republics are all subject to decay. Self-considered insiders who “know better” trying to take control are simply a result of the sinful human nature.”

“Even the meanest bully around will think twice about picking on the person who boldly, loudly, and assertively speaks up on his own behalf.”

“At the most fundamental level, socialism denies the doctrine of vocation and actively seeks to rewrite the familial and social webs of human connections God has woven into our being by means of incompetent and/or malicious managerial interference.”

“If communism is, as Marx claims, truly inevitable, then why all the attempts at revolution? Shouldn’t the utopia just manifest? If communism is truly fair, why do ‘super-citizens’ and dictators always lounge in luxury? Kings are at least honest enough to wear crowns and the honorable among them lead the cavalry charge. Communist architects never reside in the houses they design, for they are built to be miserable wrecks.”

“I do not find the rules = religion argument very compelling. But do I agree with the conclusion that socialism ends up as a religion. Why do I think that? Perhaps something like this. Classrooms have rules, but it does not follow that Kindergarten is a religion. The rules must claim to serve the highest good. Maybe something like that?”

“Nothing will change the scarcity of excellence. It can be worsened by removing agency from those who would otherwise seek it. It can be alleviated by training and equipping the motivated to seek it. In other words, Capitalism is allowing people to try to find the best way to train knights to slay dragons. Socialism is pretending that the fire-breathing dragons can be taught to share.”

“Complaining is proof against the concept of equivalent exchange. You can summon all your powers to attack what is negative, but all you end up doing is making a bigger negative. Positive change is not so much about tearing down evil as it is about building up good.”

“Local problems require local solutions. The problem with government solutions is that they often become local problems.”

“Overall, I thought the book was very digestible. It was reminiscent of the sort of wizened anecdotes and little speeches I’ve grown accustomed to hearing and taking to heart from professors I respect. I’m reminded of one of my Professors … telling this story:

“After the end of WW2, Poland was controlled by the Communists. Poland is a very Catholic country so they took measures to “reeducate” the populace. As a part of the social programming, they would drag someone on stage to speak into a microphone and repeat what was learned to their fellow man. One day in one of these villages where the brainwashing was happening a man was dragged forth, and when given the opportunity to speak he didn’t repeat any of the Communist rhetoric but simply shouted, “Χριστος ανεστη!” (Christ is Risen! in Greek) to which the people responded, “Αληθως ανεστη!” (Truly He is risen!) and then they were all shot, probably.

“The point Professor … made when he told us that story was about how one person’s confession can inspire others, similar to how martyrdom in the early Church won converts. I think the point of your book is something very much akin to that.

May God grant that the nation repents and returns to Him!” – ID, WIsconsin

How to Live like a King

A little over six decades have come and gone
As when I was in grade school I could reach out and touch the 1880s
A time soon after the War of Northern Aggression
When family and hard work were the passion
In the US of A

No welfare state, no income tax and a gold backed currency too
And an American who could not read numbered few
Freedom and Liberty were the name of the game
Today’s gullible Americans believe today is the same

They don’t see the shackles made by Welfare, Medicare and the socialist state
Many don’t even recognize these things exist because of liberty’s fate
Soon my children will look fondly back on this date
Recalling elusive freedom, Lady Liberty’s mate

Socialism can easily be stopped, you know it’s true
All it takes is a little backbone from me and you
In fact, America’s first Revolution had only a few
Who pledged their life, liberty and honor

It has not changed since Grandpa’s time
As those who stood for liberty, whether young, old or in their prime
Today those who desire the best for their off-spring
Stand on these foundational principles rather than enjoying a short-term fling
Striving to ensure another generation secure liberty. Now that’s how to live like a king!
Should you desire to have an arsenal of strategies to enable you and your loved ones to prosper no matter what is happening in the world, go to

Ode to Anthony Fauci

Back in the month of March 20 and 20
When my employer said “We will have to see
What becomes of this Covid pandemic for you and me”
I asked, “What happens the next time there’s a pandemic?”

My co-workers reeled, looked at me and stared
And asked, “Whadda mean next time?” wondering whether I cared
About the massive number of deaths that would follow
To which I replied “So
you believe if we do this once it’ll be over?
After all, they are simply trying to lure
You into believing their rhetoric and lies…”

It wasn’t that I was such a sage
That I could predict what would happen before history turns another page
It was after JFK, Nixon resigning, the wall coming down and other happenings throughout the age
Whenever the government says ‘look this way” I better be watching for the door to a cage
They plan to lead us into

This past week whistle blowers say
Another pandemic is headed our way
Soon, and it will come, come what may
As our keepers and leaders seek another big-kickback payday
While enslaving us, our kids and our grand-kids

Comply you must – take this and that
Don’t worry if our prescriptions have you lying on a mat
We know what’s best for you
It’ll take decades before history finds
The poo with which we inoculated you
By then you’ll own nothing and be happy.

And should you wish to know how to prosper while living under tyranny, you need to venture over to

Ted Leithart

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Straight-Forward Insights -
Prosper to Your Highest Potential!

My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

WARNING: I can be brash and offensive. If you're offended by rough talk - then you don't want to receive my secrets. But if you enjoy a deep and hearty laugh regularly, then sign on. 

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