
Ode to a Couple of Best Mates

Dad considered him ‘his best friend’
And their love for each other showed it was not just a trend

When Dad was putting together his stereo in 1959
Clyde and Jack were there to ensure the music came out just fine

A few years later after we moved to 750, when it snowed
Over the family came, to slide down the hill, play games and enjoy hot chocolate as the cold winter wind blowed

In 1975 Jack came over to sled with a new saucer
It was 5 feet round. Between the sleds, the Bobsled and the saucer
You never left the Leitharts after a day of sledding feeling crosser.

When Jack was not helping Dad with projects around the house
He’d send ‘sonic booms’ over which made everything stir, including the mouse

As the boys and Patty left home for places afar
Jack and Paul would still be visiting, like two ol’ friends at a bar

After Mildred and Kate passed on to their eternal home
Jack and Paul would regale for hours, in person or on-the-phone

Jack stayed on for a couple of weeks after Mom’s demise
With friends like these two, this should be no surprise

Today I heard Uncle Wilde has passed on
Dad and Jack will be up late
Would you expect otherwise given they are best mates?

I look forward to seeing both of them someday
Jack tweaking the sound system to improve Gabriel’s trumpet medley
Dad will be listening, still interested in hearing something new
While Clyde’s woodwork will be breathtaking down to each and every screw.

That’s another fine mess you’ve got me into, Stanley

That’s another fine mess you’ve got me into, Stanley

Last evening, I was looking through a few social media sites and came across a page for Laurel and Hardy.

It was and still is entertaining to watch these two men work together. They seemed to always have a different way of accomplishing a task and they were always working to help one another. In the worst of times, Stanley would realize how he had made a situation worse and apologize by getting teary eyed and begin speaking in a squeaky voice.

Regularly, Oliver would say, “That’s another fine mess you’ve got me into, Stanley…”

No matter how bad a situation got, they each wished the best for the other and worked to help each other, even when their help resulted in a worse situation.

If only the world would be that simple today…

If only you could tell President Biden, “that’s another fine mess the government has got the country into… “

If only members of Congress and the President would realize their error, apologize and work to improve the situation. But NNNNNOOOOO. Not on your life.

Instead, the government tends to double down on their mistake and work to make the problem greater. It’s as if they want a worse situation for their constituents.

Maybe you believe they don’t mean to do this. You may believe they are that error prone and are as much of an idiot who desires the best for the country as Stanley did for Oliver.

If that was the case, wouldn’t SOME things work in the country’s favor (read in the favor of liberty and freedom), but NNNNOOOOOO. That seems literally impossible.

Which is, should you rely on the government for your well-being and prosperity, you will have disappointment, time and time again (times infinity).

Rather, do what the Stanley and Ollie did.

They relied on themselves, pulled themselves up their bootstraps and worked to make the best of a situation, without government interfering in the mess.

And that’s why you need to read Prospering in a Socialist Society, found HERE. By doing so, you will know the strategies for thriving in ANY situation. Including any Stanley may add to again and again…

Embracing a world of socialism

Soon you will find
You don’t know who you are
or who to trust
or what your gender is

But your overseers will have all the answers you need
Because they have daily told you what to think until your ears bleed
‘Follow the science’ when it comes to health
Ignore what you may be telling yourself
And completely ignore the science when you determine your gender
My advice? Male and female are the only options – sorry for my candor

No one and that’s a must
Unless they’re from the government because they are here to help you
If you don’t believe that MAN will they sue
you into financial oblivion.

Mao said the Revolution must continue
Without a constant stir
To make everything seem like a blur
The masses will come to the conclusion
Despots and dictators provide nothing of substance and nothing that is fun
They deserve the bath of tar and feathers
The change we need is a world of Republics. That is what truly matters.

But since we seem to love the march the world into socialism
It may benefit you to know how to prosper while living in such a system
These strategies can be found HERE. Ignoring them will result in a big problem
For yourself and your loved ones.

Will the Bush family take the USA into another war?

They say history gets repeated
Without Prescott’s money, Hitler would’ve not been had to be defeated
Not to be outdone, HW preached about his thousand points of light
And George W allowed the CIA to orchestrate 9/11 without a bit of a fight
From those on Capitol Hill.

Afterwards he determined to attack
Saddam even though the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ were not a fact

Now George W is being considered
for Speaker of the House, go figure
Can another war be far behind?
How can three generations of Bush’s be such globalists
Getting rich being war mongers. It sure seems to be a method of the socialists.

As Mao stated, the revolution must continue.
An opulent life for the elites and a life of a slave for you
Keep the masses stirred up for should they have time to think
Repeating lies often enough with a straight face yet a twinkle in the eye that looks like a wink
This is not a time to blink
But a time to pledge your life, your wealth and your sacred honor
To restoring the timeless principles Lady Liberty has always stood for.

Although it looks like the country and the world is going down
For the count. Don’t submit to these clowns
Instead learn the strategies I have found
Allow you to prosper even should a tyrant have you bound

By going HERE and learning the strategies to keep you, your family and your love ones thriving in any condition. I include several case studies demonstrating how these individuals kicked ass in the most trying of circumstances.

Ohio in 2023

On November 7, (that’s before the snow)
On Issue One you should vote NO

Today I received mail urging me to say YES
To abortion; to children’s ability to say YES
WITHOUT their parents guidance when it comes to sex – I do not jest
Allowing Little Ayden or Addie to do so would end with a horrible mess

It is said abortion is the woman’s decision
After all, it’s her body. She should determine whether or not to make an incision
Thus removing the boy or girl’s right to do what they desire
Many times an abortion ends up with much more dire
Circumstances for both child and mother

Would you allow Little Johnny to cross the street
By doing so an automobile or truck he may meet
You see, he’ll reach for the first shiny thing that looks pretty neat
Then when he finds there’s a hook in it, it’s too late
All a parent can do is say, “Wait.”
“Trust me” and keep away fate.
It seems those who’d desire a child to make adult choices are dangling the bait
Thus persuading them to mate.

The bottom line is those voting YES are either naïve, evil or filled with hate.
Sorry for being blunt but by November 8 it may be too late.

Vote YES on Issue One. Make Ohio the next California…

Capitalism Offers Choices Socialism Does Not

I was speaking with a local business owner. His business is rebuilding old capping machine.

What’s a capping machine, you say? It is a machine which screws on the caps of bottles at a manufacturing facility. An examples is screwing the cap onto your shampoo bottle.

Why do they rebuild them? Mega-large companies such as Proctor & Gamble can afford to purchase the latest capping machines as well as hire a 6-figure engineer to keep them running. Smaller manufacturers cannot afford these new machines, so they are paying to have their own machine with relatively low technology. This will enable them to keep their manufacturing plant open.

It also costs a lot less to maintain hydraulics and pneumatics as well.

And I have long wondered whether other industries, such as the auto industry, would embrace a similar idea. In other words, let the wealthy purchase the expensive, over-the-top technology cars while the average person owns a vehicle using older, simpler technology. A 2023 vehicle versus a 1971 vehicle, for example.

This is especially needed as many auto dealerships do not have the technical expertise in-house to maintain a 2023 vehicle. Nor do the dealerships pay the hours to make it worthwhile for the dealership mechanic to properly diagnose and repair your vehicle.

Conversely, my old 1988 Toyota Supra runs quite well using old technology. It is also quite a bit less expensive to maintain.

I know the auto industry is heavily regulated by the government, but in a free market (read a free society – a capitalistic one). A manufacturer should be able to build old technology cars as well as the most modern vehicles planned.

It is probably not to be. Our bureaucrats and politicians are too sold on being the engineers, doctors, mechanics and machinists in the country (even though they are as wise about a couple of friends I have when it comes to repairs – they don’t know the difference between a phillips and regular screwdriver).

That’s why it is so important to strategize, so you can prosper even while living in tyranny. Just CLICK HERE to be taken to my book Prospering In A Socialist Society. You’ll get strategies as well as real-life experiences written by those who actually lived under tyranny, detailing how they prospered.

Go there NOW!

Why I LOVE chaos

No, this is not because I am a huge fan of Don Adams, star of the 1960s spy comedy ‘Get Smart.’ It’s because I recently heard Congress is considering rule changes during the selection of a new House speaker to avoid chaos.

And I fell in love with chaos in Washington and how I wish they would go together more often. I mean a lot more often. As in virtually every day. Here’s why…

When the United States was formed, the founders were against political parties. In fact, the way the Presidential election was designed was the person who received the most electoral votes would be President. Whoever received the second most electoral votes would become vice-President.

I can hear you now. But that wouldn’t work!! But you are wrong. I would work in spades!

Because while the President and vice-President are debating and arguing with each other over various things they find important, the American public isn’t attacked with an Executive Order or an address to Congress about funding the next boondoggle.

Instead, you have such wonderful teams as Obama and Romney. Well, they’re a team already. Mitt said back in 2012 he didn’t see much ideological difference between himself and Barack, only the method to implement that ideology.

Conversely, Hillary and the Donald would be leading the country. And while they are not leading the country into massive debt-building, unconstitutional regulations and mandates, they may well be fighting tooth and nail about what should be done.

I’m even a fan of seeing Hillary missing a front tooth and Donald limping around for a few days. While Clinton and Trump are fighting and arguing, attempting to coerce the other to their point-of-view, America is free. No edicts, no new regulations. No Executive Orders.

Just living in a Constitutional Republic the way it was designed to be.

I love chaos in Washington as that means the 50 states are free to do what they please rather than be in lockstep with the tyrants on the Potomac.

Wouldn’t you rather have that than being forced to tolerate the would-be dictators and despots the way the country is currently running?

Until then, it may behoove you to put together some plans on how to thrive while living in tyranny, as that is where our leaders are taking the country. But there is hope as well. Both the strategies to thrive as well as the hope we can avoid having our children live under the rule of tyrants can be found in one place. Go to to learn how.

The 7 year college plan…

I recently met a college student who has been enrolled in college for seven years. Finally, this year, she will be graduating with an engineering degree.

Why seven years?

Well, she had her reasons…

After she began college, she was called for military service in her home country. This resulted in a 2-1/2 year hiatus from her college studies. Later, she took another year off to take care of her father who was ill.

Here’s the point… She always returned. She did not quit on her dreams, her goals, her focus.

As a result, it was a done deal. Even with three and a half years of suspending her studies.

Dilution makes it more powerful

As I was perusing through today’s news tips, I found an article stating the House of Representatives is considering diluting the House rules when they vote for a new speaker in order to avoid chaos.

Chaos is defined as “a condition or place of great disorder and confusion.” Using this definition, I am not sure when Congress has not been in chaos over the past several decades. Allow me to provide my argument.

While visiting Washington DC in the 1960s, my parents stopped into see our U.S. Representative (who was Samuel Devine at the time. Devine was replaced by ‘hier apparent’ John Kasich). ANYWHO, my father mentioned the Constitution to a staffer, to which they replied, “The Constitution. We don’t follow that around here anymore.”

Mind you that was 55-60 years ago.

Now if the U.S Government has ignored the Supreme law of the land for the past 60 years, don’t you think the result would be CHAOS? Obviously, it would!!!

So I am not sure what these confused Congressional representatives are thinking as they are already in chaos and have been in chaos, as Samuel Devine’s staffer shared, for the past 60 years (at a minimum)

Here’s the realization your Representative and Senators probably have not made.

Isn’t diluting things, such as the Constitution to where it is meaningless in Washington, EGGZACKLY why the country is so fucked?

Sorry, but I cannot use an expletive deleted here as it is so blatant only a fool could overlook this.

Unfortunately, it seems we have 535 fools in Congress at this time. Add the President and that makes an even number.

Add government workers and there are millions of fools shuffling around DC everyday without a clue on how a free society is supposed to function. As a result of these clueless fools, are we not living in tyranny?

And since you are living in tyranny, wouldn’t it say “you are smarter than your elected officials in Washington” by planning and implementing strategies to prosper while living in this oppressive state? I can help. Just go to to improve your lot in life.

Ted Leithart

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Straight-Forward Insights -
Prosper to Your Highest Potential!

My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

WARNING: I can be brash and offensive. If you're offended by rough talk - then you don't want to receive my secrets. But if you enjoy a deep and hearty laugh regularly, then sign on. 

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