I am your worse nightmare…
For a couple of years, I keep hearing Christians who believe in a national government (otherwise known as the US Constitution) are the biggest threats to America.
We are.
If you look at the definition of America at the Collins Dictionary online, you will see three definitions for America. Here are the three definitions…
1. North America, South America, and the West Indies, considered together: also the Americas
I am a citizen of a country, not a region of the world. Nor am I a citizen of the world.
Keep in mind if you consider yourself to be a citizen by the first two definitions above, the Supreme law of the land is not the United States Constitution. As a result, you have no freedom of speech or Second Amendment rights. You have no limited government. You are a part of the global socialist regime.
Everyone’s favorite President, President Trump (I say this simply to stir the ire of many as well as to keep you reading)signed the USMCA, a warmed over version of NAFTA (that’s the North America Free Trade Agreement), making the United States part of the North American region of world government.
To me, that’s not America… I am not a citizen of the USMCA.
I am a citizen of the United States of America. Therefore, the founding documents acknowledge I have been given Rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by my Creator.
Again, a person like me is the biggest threat to global tyranny (otherwise known as regional government, USMCA, bowing to the United Nations, the WEF, the WHO and many others). Because I believe the INDIVIDUAL is Supreme over the collective.
As a result, my actions are only by morals and ethics, not tens of thousands of pages of rules and regulations.
If you don’t see this as a threat to tyrannical despots, I suggest you are a problem as you are not an American (by the third definition). You are treasonous as you exchanged your God-given liberty man-made security.
You have every right to live the life you want. But first, get honest with yourself and move to a nation that embraces totalitarianism. The United States does not.
Should you desire to know how to prosper in the coming tyranny, just CLICK HERE to get my book Prospering in a Socialist Society…
Do local police stand for the law?
I just received a phone call from some police organization seeking donations to help the families of police officers killed in the line of duty. They noted they would be sending a donation package to my attention and asked whether I would be supporting the organization.
I replied, “Does your organization support the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as written?”
The caller asked to repeat my question so I said
“Does your organization state it will support my right to keep and bear arms – and per the Constitution, that this right not be infringed?”
I guess I struck a nerve as I was Thanked for my comment and was call was promptly terminated on their end.
You see, most police organizations throughout the United States have bought into the Socialist agenda. This means the more local police agencies do not perform their duties as they did up until a few years ago, the more likely they local organizations will be replaced by a national police force.
Should you do a little research on the topic of nationalize police forces, you will find this is a favorite organization of despots and tyrants. National police agencies are not a friend of individual liberty.
You may ask, what law enforcement agency is? I suggest your local county sheriff, as they are not answerable to a city or state government. In fact, the local county sheriff is there to stand for the Constitution.
On the other hand, if you desire to have a national police force as they will ‘keep the peace’, you are either a would-be tyrant or, as Lenin stated, a ‘useful idiot.’ Should you desire to know how to prosper in order to take care of yourself and your loved ones, just CLICK HERE to download the strategies I outline in Prospering in a Socialist Society.
And that’s (NOT) the way it is…
I am not pro-Hamas. Nor am I pro-Israel. I am an American. Not an Isra-American or a Jewish-American. Nor am I an Arab-American (although I do have a former brother-in-law who is Jordanian as well as a nephew named Mohammed).
I am using the Hamas-Israel conflict/ war to get to a larger and more important point for Americans, especially considering quite a bit of the country is voting this next week (and we are beginning to get into the primary season, leading up to November 2024).
- Now that I’ve provided all my disclaimers (I think I have), I’ll begin my rant of the day…
Kennedy was not assassinated by Oswald.
The Vietnam Conflict (Congress never declared war) was not lost by the troops or by the military.
LBJ did not win the election to the US Senate in 1948
The Shah of Iran was pro-American. America turned its back on this government to install the Ayatollah
The Bush family is globalist more than it is American
Bill Clinton’s made middle-of-the-road politics into liberal politics, thus making conservatives seem radical
Osama bin Ladin was named as a CIA operative as early as 1998
There were no weapons of mass destruction
Obama’s Presidency did fundamentally change America from a floundering Republic into a burgeoning Socialist regime
I could say others – many others – but these are easily researched. I said these to get my point across.
My point? If the mainstream news tells you “this is the way it is”, you can bet your investment portfolio it is not…
Which means what we are being told about the Israel – Hamas fighting is not what Americans should be focused on. Rather than ‘paying no attention to the man behind the curtain’, Americans must, should you desire to preserve your Republic, look diligently for what else is happening.
You can begin by doing some research about the Issues and candidates you’ll be voting for next Tuesday. We don’t need term limits. Instead, Americans need to research and become informed voters.
(and personally, my opinion is if you are not invested in the society via property ownership, business ownership, investments in private enterprise… In short, if you are living on public funds, you should not vote. If your paycheck comes from public sources, I would suggest you don’t vote as you have a vested interest in growing government, not growing the culture.) But, that’s my personal opinion…
Most will probably not follow through on such things. Sports, television, vacation, Christmas and other enjoyable dalliances available to us in modern America take precedence. And since it does, you may want to know how to prosper while living under tyrannical rule. You can get that insight by CLICKING HERE and downloading a copy of my book, Prospering in a Socialist Society.
The man who beat a fighter jet
Over the weekend while I was browsing
Through various channels, half sleeping
I came across a road test between a Bugatti and a fighter jet
Which would win a ½ mile drag race – wanna bet?
As I took a few minutes to review
I recalled 35 years ago when a close friend who
Would race fighter planes down the runway at the Top Gun school
When I mentioned it to him, he recalled doing this a time or two
He’d line up with the jet on one end of the runway
When the tower gave the go-ahead, the pilot would signal my friend in another way
He’s start off sprinting while the jet was spooling up
its engines. The goal was who could do the 100 yard dash faster
He said one time the pilot had to hit the after-burner blaster
to beat him
Several months ago President Biden said gun lovers
Had to have F-15s and nuclear weapons to stand against a tyrannical leader
Yet it seems one man pitted against a fighter jet has shown
If you start strong and don’t quit or moan
You have a fair chance of beating something most believe would have blown
My friend’s doors off…
Should several battles be fought and lost
It’s best to remember that what is most
important is to stand true to your God and country and do what you can
Pledging your life and sacred honor to the God-man.
Should you desire to know how to prosper when all seems bad
I suggest you CLICK HERE. Com’on now, it won’t drive you mad
You can prosper no matter what ills may come
It depends on where you take your guidance from…
Flat is not a shape…
Our entire society, in fact, our entire world is based on it. Without it, technology would cease to exist (pretty much).
Good enough is never good enough and the old saying “it’s good enough for government work” leads only to poor or dismal results.
We all know that. What am I speaking about? Six Sigma.
As in 6 standard deviations. 3 below the target, three above. An engineer designs a part which has a hole in the center of it. The hole is to be 1.000 + 0.020 inches in size.
The part on each hole is measured as it is a critical dimension and the actual dimension documented on an excel spread sheet. Over time, a curve is drawn based on those data points from the Excel spread sheet. And the result is a bell-shaped curve.
Plus and minus three standard deviations from this hole dimension is otherwise known as six-sigma. And Six-Sigma is why our car engines run for hundreds of thousands of miles rather than 50-100k miles.
Yeah, I know my explanation is elementary but KEEP READING as I am about to divulge a MASSIVEly profound point.
Before I do, should you really want to be in awe of this six-sigma thing, pick up a copy of 80-20 Sales and Marketing. It’ll show you the world runs on… No, LIFE is six-sigma as well as the 80-20 (otherwise known as the Paredo) Principle.
Anyone with any sort of technical understanding today has been schooled in Edwards Deming 14 points of management as well as his red-bead demonstrations.
Here’s the profound point. We know all this (up to this point) to be true.
Then HOW does diversity and equality work into this? Aren’t we taking a scientific principle and that almost every aspect of life can be charted to have a bell-shaped curve to it and flatting the curve?
I guess that’s why Fauci needed two weeks to flatten the curve. Two weeks to stupefy the world into believing diversity and equality actually exists. NO IT DOESN’T!
Am I saying I should not be respectful of others beliefs and not allow them to have an equal chance in life? No.
I am saying the bell shape curve never lies and some people are good at some things, others are good at other things. Some occupations pay more than others. Some houses are more ornate than others. Some clothing is much more valuable than others.
The key is to figure out what aspect of life you are most likely to be able to leverage so the 80-20 Rule works in your favor.
That’s not diversity or equality.
That’s being smart and a good steward of the assets you have been blessed with.
If you enjoyed my rant of the day, you may enjoy others as well. CLICK here to get on my email list so you never miss another rant.
Did Biden or Trump create more jobs?
I just heard where the Biden Administration is blowing their horn about the number of jobs they have created over the past three years.
Most politicians do this.
Look what I did for you. ObamaCare. MediCare. MediCare Advantage programs. New jobs. Higher tech jobs. Less cost for your college tuition.
First, they did not create jobs or anything else. They cannot.
One of the definitions of creation is the act of making, inventing or producing. Let’s see the results of some of the Creations of government for the past few years.
ObamaCare. Has it made money for the government? Has it broken even? Has it lost money? I’d argue its lost money as otherwise, the government would not have a $1.7 trillion increase in debt over the past 12 months.
The same with MediCare or Education or anything else the government is involved in. Government does not have to be as efficient as the private sector because they can write off the difference through higher taxes or devaluing the currency.
Secondly, where does government have the privilege to do anything to the economy? It doesn’t.
There’s only 17 specific duties the Federal government has. All the other duties are reserved to the States or the people. The government cannot even Constitutionally pass laws to give themselves these duties as the Constitution specifically says law that is passed must fall within the confines of the specific 17 duties.
As Barack said, government ‘didn’t build that…’ The people did, all within the private sector (because the public sector can only spend money it receives through taxes and tariffs (or fraud, in the case of the Federal Reserve).
At the same time, we have tyrants touting how great their work has been to America.
Tell you what. Pass no more CRs. Add not one more cent to the public debt. Crash the economy… Within a short time period, individuals who make, invent and produce things will say “THIS IS STUPID” and the only entity preventing them from taking a crashed economy to a world-class economy are – the people on Capitol Hill.
Allow my experiment to flounder, crash, burn and resurrect for 12 months. And without Washington (and other despots interfering), there will be a new cheer at the football games in the Fall of 2024. Rather than FJB it will be “F*** Washington. Who needs it anyway?”
Until we take the situations seriously, we will continue toward a socialist utopia (that’s supposed to be an oxymoron if you graduated from a government indoctrination center). So you better learn how to thrive these days.
You can. Easily. Just CLICK HERE to learn about Prospering In A Socialist Society.
How to reach into your pocket and pull out a bonanza in cash…
There are many businesses that stay in business despite themselves. I’ve run across several business owners who continue to do the same work every year yet show little for it.
A common example an accountant told me about was realtors. Now, I am not attacking realtors or the profession. I know of several times a realtor has helped a house sale to turn out more profitable for the seller than if they would have done a FSBO (For Sale By Owner).
Getting back to my point, here….
There are some realtors this accountant serves who, after the income is added up and the expenses were tallied for tax purposes, the realtor lost money (at least based on the documentation they had provided the accountant).
And there are many businesses like this as well. Whether it is from poor accounting practices or an attempt to hide income from the taxman, I cannot say (it’s not my business). But through these practices as well as overlooking the assets they have within their business they don’t look at, they do much more poorly than they should.
Which leaves windfall profits as well as additional sources of income laying around, to be picked up by others.
Here’s a good example. About 15 years ago, I seriously considered purchasing a small auto parts business. They served a niche of car collectors exclusively which removed them from carrying inventory like Toyota starters and BMW water pumps. In fact, there are about 12 similar businesses serving this niche in the entire world.
So that makes the business pretty attractive and interesting, as it was easily marketable as something different (both to the public as well as their client base).
I knew the business owner since he had opened the business about the time I went to college.
During this early days, he purchased several brand new engines – new engines without any serial number… But over 35 years, this entrepreneur still had several of the engines on his shelf.
After that amount of time, a good inventory manager would consider those engines to be worthy of scrap. Still, my friend the parts dealer, was awaiting that illusive engine buyer ready to fork over 10s of thousands for a factory original, no-serial-number engine.
These engines were a massive overlooked asset which could have easily brought in cash and plenty of it.
That’s what I do.
I find those overlooked assets within your business and turn them into a bonanza in profits or a torrent of additional cash.
In fact, I was speaking with a semi-retired guy who made millions during 2000-2007 and within a couple of minutes of telling me of a current situation he was experiencing with a couple of his clients, I told him of one of his bonanza profits he has overlooked for years.
Maybe I could do the same for your small or medium sized business…
You can contact me HERE
Those CRAZy Buckeyes
One definition of Buckeye is ‘a tough nut to crack.’ But those crazy Buckeyes are at it again… (I should know – I have one degree from the college in Columbustown and my wife has three degrees from Ohio State).
On November 7, Buckeyes all over the state will decide whether child support should be paid by the state, not the parents. Allow me to explain…
Issue One in Ohio, if passed, will make abortion a Constitutionally guaranteed right for Ohioans. This will include minors having the right to have an abortion without parental notification or approval.
This is the reason behind working to change the State Constitution from a mere 50% +1 vote to a 60% vote back in August. Keep in mind to amend the U.S. Constitution takes a majority of both houses in Congress, a Presidential signature and approval by ¾ of the nation’s state legislatures.
Issue One will also codify into the State Constitution minors having the right to transition their gender without parental authority.
Which begs the question – where do parental responsibilities begin and end? After all, after November 7, I may not be allowed to counsel my child in ways the state deems is leading or grooming the child to my value system. Also, I will not be allowed to counsel my child in my religious views or values when it comes to gender.
These ‘rights’ will be reserved to the state.
So am I allowed to steer my child toward an educational alternative which teaches abortion is wrong or that God ‘made them male and female’?
Would the state be allowed to determine whether my religious leaders are allowed to preach in ways the state deems inappropriate for children?
After transitioning, when do I begin to pick up the tab for my child’s drugs and hormones? What if my insurance doesn’t cover hormone treatment for minors?
There are a number of issues which, up to this point, were assumed to be the responsibility of the parents in raising their children. After Issue One passes, the state will override the parents in some ways and possibly prosecute parents who guide their children away from abortion or transitioning.
As I said, those CRAZy Buckeyes…
Since the State is deciding what is allowed for children, who is responsible for picking up the tab? Probably the parents… Which isn’t much different than paying for others college degrees.
Allowing the state to have a say in any aspect of your life sets us on the slippery slope to having the state decide every aspect of our lives.
Where did the land of the free go?
Come November 8th, the Buckeye State may be a lot more tyrannical than a supporter of individual rights guaranteed by God.
Should you care to understand how to thrive in such a state, you may click HERE to download a copy of Prospering in a Socialist Society.
Ohio, Issue ONE is a direct attack on YOUR children
Hey Ohio do you here what she is saying?
She is saying #issue1ohio is about the state coming after our children by making it Constitutional for children to take the life of their children as well as it is the right of children to make decisions about gender.
That’s called a #Constitutional amendment which guarantees protection for #groomers.[0]=AZXr-eNGeHWm5yL1FBoTVMRl57fEiF9amYNCtHk16kyKfHahOp9V_P6oxCdi3xDkA6omXMdmkxLPAUwR3P40OHyJZeNOUQXNUsfdLq8KwJBK8R_jbHwwPhB7vt4hlVBMJERDVdZvWy_71JSotFwtDfio143792wDdAMU0UCxiY4VX6ZRUv1_0xLtHW34Xh6Xd70deo5tujsC1dL7NrKgWICP&__tn__=-UK-R
Time and change will surely show, how firm a friendship
My son came from college this weekend
To visit for a few days and to visit some friends
So we took him to our hang-out spot to eat
The proprietor said “Welcome Home” which was rather neat
You see, we’ve been dining here since our son was one
They’d let him wander around the back so he could have some fun
Afterwards we played some cards
I beat the pants off him although it was rather hard
Tonight he’s visiting with a friend from high school
I’m happy he cherishes these guys, I think it’s rather cool
Tomorrow I’m taking him to a Renaissance Festival
‘Tween the fair, the shows and the joisting, methinks we’ll have a ball
But the highpoint of the weekend will be worshipping together
Praising Our Lord and Savior concluding with some bread and wine to savor
I pray he has a safe ride back
Getting back into study mode so his grades won’t lack
I don’t know how many more times we’ll see our boy
before he gives us a hug and leaves for a life that is destined to bring him joy
I relish every time I get a minute or two with him anymore
because after he leaves home, it’ll pull at my heart strings. I pray they don’t tore
It’s been 35 years I’ve had boys in the house
I’ll sorely miss them, even though I’ll have more time to enjoy my wonderful spouse.