Screw 2024. In fact, screw 1984
Are you scared? Are you wondering what 2024 will bring? Are you anxious about the outcome of the elections and whether it will be above-board?
You shouldn’t be…
You are focusing on the wrong things. You really are.
George Soros. Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos. Mark Zuckerburg. All flyspecks.
How can I call these guys who have billions are their beck and call flyspecks (by the way, flyspecks is a nice way of saying flysh*t).
Am I saying Soros, Gates, Bezos Zuckerburg and more are miniscule. As in, they are tiny and you need to look at the real picture.
How can I?
For a very simple reason.
Last week I was in a conference call with a friend from Northern Ohio. He was talking about the economy, investments and money. Amazingly, he alluded to the same thing.
Here it is in a nutshell.
Arguably, there are 75-80 million MAGA supporters (at least there were about 4 years ago). Personally, I don’t think too many of them have gone away.
They may not be as vocal as they were in 2020, but they are still around.
To put this in perspective, there are 85 million people living in Germany at this time. These 85 million Germans make the rest of the European Union look like dwarfs due to their economic power and work ethic.
I expect nothing less from these 75-80 million MAGA supporters.
What if – just suppose – these MAGA guys and gals pull together and build their own Capitalist state. How about these people exchange their Federal Reserve notes for a gold-backed currency and exchange their globalist mutual funds for investing in each others’ businesses across the fruited plain?
(If you’re not an American Constitutionalist, you need not apply).
I think these MAGA people could give Germany a good run for their money.
This is being orchestrated. I’m all for it.
By the way, WE THE PEOPLE are the government. Once we realize this, we’ll see how little the globalists and socialists have control over us (they simply cast a big shadow).
The alternative is embracing a globalist Socialist regime. And for that, you will need to have some hope that all is not lost. It is possible to Prosper in a Socialist Society. CLiCK HERE to find out how…
School Applied to Today’s World.
School Days, Skool Daze, Dear old Golden Rule Days
But when I was going to school, it was anything but the Golden Rule. I never had a teacher who treating us students as we desired to be treated. No Sir. We were treated like unruly children with minds of mush which had to be molded into something beneficial to society as well as ourselves.
In high school, there was a belligerent a**ho*e who was rude and mouthy. In fact, I was surprised he was not suspended or expelled for his rude behavior.
Others were not so lucky.
Bad grades. Suspension. In-school suspension. Getting expelled. Getting sent home for the day. All of these punishments were handed out with regularity.
After all, if you didn’t want to learn, you were not going to interfere with those who did. If you want to make a mess of your life, at some point, it is your decision to do so. Making poor decisions was your problem. And society allowed you to lift or sink yourself to the level you decided you wanted to be.
Oh, for those days of yore.
In fact, today makes me wonder whether the belligerent a**ho*es of the country never grew up and have decided it is time to retaliate against the teacher, principals and society in general.
Rather than allowing poor decisions and their consequences to be experienced, today’s society subsidizes these decisions. There are exceptions and there are individuals who need help (and are willing to do what they can to improve their lot) but there are many who have decided to allow society to subsidize and bankroll them.
A great example is this – the migrant situation on the borders.
Should a person desire a better life than what they are experiencing in their homeland, I understand their drive to emigrate to the United States. Past generations did this in mass – including my great, great grandfather who arrived at Ellis Island in 1861.
David had no welfare state. He had no social security. No one promised him a place to live. As far as I know, he didn’t have a job awaiting him when he settled in Ohio. Yet, within 25 years, he had a farm and was a small business owner. So was his son, Theodore. As was his son, Otto. As was his son, Paul.
Today’s emigrant doesn’t seem to want to work for those things. He is given housing, medical care, food, and more – all at someone else’s expense.
Some of these recent emigrants have decided to go back home as they find Capitalism and the American dream too hard for them. This was very much the same in the Soviet satellites soon after the wall came down. Many longed for the days of the Soviet Empire as they didn’t have much, but they were taken care of.
Instead, why don’t we handle societal problems the same way school handled those who were unwilling to work toward an education in my day.
Bye. Good luck. Don’t expect a handout because of your decision.
If we did so, government would be much smaller, Americans would be much more independent as well as liberated, taxes would drop, the welfare state would be non-existent, and more.
Yep. I’m living in a fantasy world (it was known as the United States – a Camelot of sorts). Especially today. Today, instead, we must learn to Prosper in a Socialist State. Which you can do, simply by CLICKING HERE
If your last name were Adams, would your first name be Sam or Morticia?
I read an interesting analogy this morning.
Americans are living under the same government they rebelled against in 1776.
In fact, in many ways, it is worse.
Higher taxes. Electronic monitoring wasn’t even a dream of King George and his administration. My, how that is changed. (Keep in mind INFLATION is the biggest form of taxes the government is imposing on us, having increased the national debt 34 times over the past 42 years). The USA is currently adding $1 trillion in new debt every 15 weeks.
I’m sure the kids, Dick and Jane, are thrilled you are allowing your peers to spend money they don’t have, having no intention of repayment. When a majority of their pay goes to paying the interest on this debt, keep in mind they have a very good reason to be busy every Holiday season rather than coming home for a visit.
Today we have Joe-orge the tyrant who does what he wants. He enters wars based on his whims – not the declaration of war by the legislative branch.
Today’s America locks down when individuals who market themselves as the expert (very similar to Doctor “I have a Master’s degree in – Science” Science) even though they are far removed from being an expert or paying attention to the math.
A great example of this is a mathematician who was, throughout the Plandemic, emailing Ohio’s governor’s office asking them to stop inflating the Covid deaths (Mike Dewine inflated the Covid deaths by 400% according to the CDC’s own data).
Similar math, based on data from US Government agencies, can be used to demonstrate virtually every county in the country has an ‘election integrity’ problem.
The bottom line is whether America is going to do something about it. Am I speaking of a Revolution?
You betcha.
Because it would be revolutionary to have Americans be more interested in their descendants future than they are in the next vacation or football game. It would be absolutely CRAZY if Americans would spend the money they spend for one meal a week on getting educated on a few sheets of paper called the Constitution and then do the Same Adams thing.
Yeah, I know. Speaking like this in today’s America gets people’ disappeared’. But here’s what I am getting at – Here’s what Sam said…
It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Are you, as an American who loves their liberty, their freedom, the Republic and their posterity, willing to be an irate, tireless minority to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men???
The first thing you can do is bone up on the Constitution.
The second thing is to educate your elected officials how they are daily and weekly violating their Oath of Office and you (and other tireless, irate Americans) intend to remove them from Office should they continue to violate their oath.
Special elections happen regularly.
Empty seats in Congress, on the city counsel and other places are dealt with regularly.
It’s up to YOU whether your kids enjoy the blessings of liberty you inherited.
Should America, despite its best efforts, fall into the tyranny of a socialist state, you can still thrive. I can show you how HERE.
Are there different definitions for Revolution?
I stopped by Randy’s the other day to drop off some Christmas cookies. Randy and I enjoy shooing the sh** whether it be politics, religion or sex change operations. Once in a while, we even talk about benign topics like monetary policy. But, at the end of the conversation, no matter how much we disagree, we part as friends.
Anyway, we got on the topic of January 6th (I guess it’s time to bring this to the forefront of our sNEWS cycle since it is the 4th anniversary of that event). Randal said he believed there was an insurrection.
I asked, with somewhere between 200 and 300 million guns in the country and arguably 75-80 million MAGA supporters in 2020, where were the guns? Where was the tar and feathers? Unlike BLM marches from 6-7 months earlier, there were no bricks which were convenient – at least none that were thrown?
Where were the breakouts around the country to coincide with the revolution taking place in Washington?
He noted the police had confiscated thousands of weapons before they got to Capitol Hill. As for tar and feathers, that is from a bygone era. And comparing a BLM event was unconsciouable as the BLM events were people with righteous anger who happened to get together to demonstrate while Trump’s January 6th event was a planned insurrection.
Randy’s evidence for the planned insurrection was the amount of lawyering up Trump did leading up to 1/6/21.
Wasn’t that within his legal right?
Randy agreed it was but somehow lawyering up to overthrow an election is equivalent to an insurrection.
Interesting, I commented. So Trump’s entire career was been practice insurrections based on getting his team of lawyers involved in his real estate transactions?
At this point, Randy pointed out the unscathed reputation of the Federal government and its agencies, noting they would never do anything diabolical or treasonous or unethical.
AHHH. I’d like to hear the American Indians thoughts on that last statement. I’d like to hear Oswald’s testimony. I’d like to hear how non-existent weapons of mass destruction justifies invading a sovereign nation.
To which Randy accused me of being one of those on the domestic terrorist watch list.
Yeah, I probably am. I probably have been since I began to regularly point out to my elected national and state Representatives and Senators that when their grand-children are caught defecating on their grave, they have a pretty good argument why this should be allowed…
In conclusion, Randy and I agreed to disagree as we cracked open another beer and began to laugh at the Dr. Phil episode that had been playing in the background during our entire conversation.
After I left, I began wondering what is the ‘official’ definition of insurrection. So I looked it up. Here’s what said: an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. noted the following synonyms – a coup, a mutiny, a revolution were words which were noted.
The next time Randy and I get together, I’ll have to ask…
So Donald Trump has a pretty large reputation as being a bitch of a negotiator. In fact, one of the best. Yet, with all the support Donald could have had from his 75 million supporters around the country on January 6th, he was too weak to keep the revolution going for more than a few hours. In fact, after less than 6 hours time, he told everyone to go home.
That’s one of the world’s top negotiators?
That’s one pathetic negotiation and that’s one of the weakest revolutions in world history. It’s no wonder we have millions walking into the country unimpeded. America is simply that weak.
If you have read this far in my rant, you’ve prob’ly accepted the fact the United States will soon be a socialist society. And that’s the reason I wrote Prospering in a Socialist Society, so you have strategies and stories of how others have thrived in such cultures. You can find my book HERE. And, let me tell you, the blows I hit in my book are a lot longer lasting than Trump’s January 6th revolution.
The Plumber Who Wouldn’t Fix the Leak
I had the craziest experience with a plumber I’ve had a few weeks ago.
My outdoor faucet had a small leak in it. I tried to take the faucet apart to replace the gaskets inside, but after 35 years of the screw in the middle of the faucet staying in one place, it wouldn’t come out. Finally, in frustration, I purchased a faucet with a ‘shark-bite’ end and replaced the faucet. And it worked well, for about a year.
The next summer, the new faucet wouldn’t turn off. I put quite a bit of pressure on the faucet handle and it just wouldn’t stop running. So every time I wanted to use that faucet, I had to run downstairs and turn the water on from inside and repeat the same process when I was done with the outside water. Not doing so added massively to my water bill.
My wife called a plumber and over he came. After analyzing the situation, he said, “I’m not going to fix the faucet. You do it. Because if I did it, I’d install another new faucet and solder it in. And that’ll cost you about $700.”
$700? For soldering one pipe that’s about 35 years old to a new outside faucet.
So off he went. And for $700, I was glad to make the repair myself.
That’s how America has evolved as well. After all, the USA has been around longer than many of the countries around the world. Rather than in past generations where Americans pulled themselves up by the bootstraps, used their rugged individualism and drive to fix, improve and grow small things around the country, but collectively, it made a massive impact.
Today, instead, we may try one or two half-hearted attempts before we run to the ‘experts’ in the gov’mint and ask them to fix the problem. Gov’mint is very happy to fix problems as that is what gov’mint has done for over 5000 years. Step in, take over, fix the problem by putting gold-foil over the cow manure (the problem) and say “look how great we’ve made it. We should continue to run this part of society so the dung heap is forever in the past.”
What should be happening in the USA is gov’mint should take a look at the problem, look to their Supreme law of the land they swore an oath to, and say, “We aren’t going to repair it. It isn’t in our job description, but – it is in WE THE PEOPLE’s job description.
“If we repaired it, it would be MASSIVELY overpriced and it wouldn’t be any better of a fix than you can do yourself.”
And we do have some people in gov’mint that tend to think and act this way. But not many.
Instead, Americans seem content with eroding their ‘city on a hill’ into a socialist nightmare (which will, over time, be little different than Castro’s Cuba, Mao’s China, Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Germany). That’s why you need my guidance, which I’ve put together as (How I am) Prospering in a Socialist Society, found at
So this is Christmas, and what have you done?
The above is a phrase from a song by John Lennon of Beatles’ fame. And this is the time of year when people celebrate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, the returning of light (when the Northern hemisphere begins to tilt back toward the Sun), Festivus and more. Celebrations during this time of year for many religions is a time to reflect and work to get right with god (no matter how god is defined, from a Jewish or Muslim god to nature).
Many of these celebrations are oriented toward a worship of the created, which is the basis of pantheism and, when you get down to it, Climate Change. All iterations of getting right with god, depending on how you define god.
Just to be clear, everyone has a god. It may be your bank book or your wealth. It may be something bigger than that – helping the poor or making a better world for the next generation.
But in the midst of all these actions to get right with the world or god, calling out, as John Lennon did in his song, what’s wrong with the world and can’t we do better, you must, at its core, realize all of our words and actions have failed to make a difference.
If they did, we’d be working on other problems rather than fixing the same problems that have been around for thousands of years. When you consider this perspective – you – me – we – and the world should all have the same name. Sisyphus.
That’s the guy in Greek mythology who was condemned to spend eternity pushing a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll down the hill when he got it to its ‘final resting place.’
When you look at it from this perspective, it seems hopeless and our lives become meaningless.
Yet there is hope.
Whether it was in Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall, today (December 25th) is the day we celebrate ‘that unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord.’ (Luke 2:11).
And why celebrate this? Why celebrate another baby? Another mouth to feed in an already overpopulated world?
It is because this babe in a manger is the Savior, Christ the Lord. God recognized all humankind efforts were meaningless and not worthy of fixing the problems of this world. No amount of sacrificing our lives or another’s life; No amount of spending your life to help others; No amount of money or any other material item, could fix our world.
‘But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem (to buy back) those born under the law, so we could receive the adoption of sons.’
John Lennon died hopeless, wanting an earthly solution. That’s why he embraced certain political ideologies.
In contrast, many who you will never hear of, found the solution. He is Christ, the Lord.
That’s why I am pleased to say, without reservation, Merry Christmas and sing “Glory to the Newborn King.”
America, the Evil Empire
You know, for all the atrocities and problems Americans (not the US government, but you are accusing Americans in general of these historical events) caused, isn’t it AMAZIN’ the United States was the envy of the world.
If the people of the United States were so immorally bankrupt throughout our history, isn’t it odd that no other nation, no other people, no other culture could compare with what Americans accomplished.
You’d think these other cultures, these other nations and peoples would be able to massively outperform the people of the United States of America by simply discarding Americans principles and striking out on their own…
The lesson is without reproach. Either this shows how strong the ethics and moral base of the people of the United States were or it shows how weak the values of other cultures were during the exact same period of time.
I’d say it’s summed up by a phrase from the hymn America, the Beautiful. “America, America, God shed his grace on thee…”
Those G-D Rich people…
Too few have too much money.
But that’s the way the world works.
What do you mean, that’s the way the world works?
It’s called the Paredo Principle. It’s also known as the 80-20 Rule. The 80% to 20% is an actual percentage, but the world works based on a small edge making a big difference.
I don’t understand.
Well, the reason we have airplanes and man can fly today is because of the small edge at the leading edge of a wing that provides lift. That’s a small change leading to a big difference.
Another example is the wealthy, since you already commented on it. I believe you said, ‘too few have too much money.’
Yes, I did.
If you look at the list of the wealthiest people in America and you rank them in order of wealth, you’ll find out of the top 20, the top 4 or 5 have 80% of the wealth. But it continues… If you look at the wealth throughout the world, 20% of the world’s population control 80% of the world’s wealth.
But that’s so unfair.
It may be, but if you divvy up the wealth equally and let the economy function without government interference, soon 20% of the people will again control 80% of the wealth.
But let’s make this more concrete in a way you can do something about it.
OK… I’m not sure where this is leading, but I’m listening.
Did you know that 20% of the employees at a business do 80% of the work? Did you know that 80% of the value you provide your employer comes from 20% of what you do? Did you know 80% of the sales a business makes comes from 20% of its customer base?
What that means is a smart business owner would:
- Figure out who the 20% are so they can focus on employing more people like them
- Figure out what each employee does that provides 80% of the value they give me throughout the work week and have each employee work exclusively on that task
- Figure out who those 20% of the customers are, determine what commonalities they possess and then market to attract more people like those 20%ers.
But how do you use it for yourself?
As I said, 80% of the value you provide your employer or your customer base comes from 20% of your efforts. Doesn’t it make sense to determine what tasks you do which provides 80% of your value.
It also calculates to a 2ndary and tertiary level. So 20% of the 20% yields 80% of the 80% of the value. Which means, in a 40-hour work week, something you do for 1.6 hours a week yields 64% of your results.
Doesn’t it make sense to focus on that task exclusively and become THE expert in that task.
Let me show you with money.
You make, in this demonstration, $2000 a week, or $400 a day. You provide $1600 of value during 8 of your work-week and only $400 of value the remaining 32 hours. Taking this to the next level, you provide $1280 of value to your customers within 1.6 hours of your work-week.
That’s pretty crazy, isn’t it?
Isn’t it reasonable to focus on what you do in those 1.6 hours and do that as exclusively as you can. In an optimal week, you’d earn $32,000 a week as that’s $1280 x 25 (1.6 hours x 25 = 40 hours a week).
Do you focus your energies on this? Probably not…
Then why should you complain about those ‘rich people’ who do leverage their time like this when you could easily be one of those rich people, earning $1.44 million a year while working only 45 weeks a year. Think of the help you could provide others with your money when you start thinking in this way.
You don’t know how your spent $50k in the last two months?
“How’s that,” Dad asked. “You can’t figure out what you did with the $50,000 I loaned you in October?”
“Well. I can account for about $19,000 of it. I’m just not sure what happened to the other $30,000. And I’m out of money…
“Dad, could you see your way to loaning me another $50k. I promise to track where the money goes…”
What would you do if your son or daughter came to you with such a request?
That’s EGG ZACKLY what the Pentagon is doing today as it cannot account for 61% of it $4 trillion of assets. Our elected leaders give the Pentagon $800 Billion a year without so much as batting an eye. After all, we have to do this as this is the military – it protects us.
I’d like to see if there’s any Cabinet post in the government which has a better handle on their balance sheet. I would wager there isn’t.
So the Pentagon can’t put their fingers on 61% of the stuff they own and the American taxpayer is paying interest on 43% (or more) of the dollars spent to acquire this stuff. And they have the gall, like the child mentioned at the beginning of this rant to ask for more money.
Wouldn’t it be appropriate for WE THE PEOPLE to hold our public servants accountable for such waste and refuse to give them a dime until they can figure out where the stuff and the money went.
Or are WE THE PEOPLE going to continue to allow these unethical children to kill off the country due to their inability to live within their means and be responsible for the things they own/ purchased.
Maybe it’s time WE THE PEOPLE learn how to function without sending trillions to idiots who abscond with our money. That’s why I wrote Prospering in a Socialist Society, so you could embrace the strategies I wrote down to thrive, even while living in tyranny. My book is available HERE
It’s the Jews… Muslims… Blacks… Hispanics… Women… ???
As I was listening to the news earlier today, I learned of testimony in Washington, DC today on the greatest threat to America today.
It isn’t the failing economy or the reason for the failing economy – government debt brought to you by a fraud of a banking system, the Federal Reserve.
It isn’t extreme Islamists (remember the War on Terror from a generation ago?)
It isn’t Climate Change, which, according to Greta and Al, will kill us all in the next 10 years.
Several years ago I was speaking to a university professor of history. We were speaking of the overwhelming lessons to be learned from history. My friend, the professor, noted that all wars are the result of class struggle between the rich and the poor.
“I didn’t know you were Marxist” was my reply. “Good versus evil would be the number one lesson I have learned from history” I continued. Since that day, my professor friend has become distant whereas previously we travelled together, partied together, celebrated life events together.
The testimony given in Washington SHOULD bear a similar answer – the biggest threat to the USA in 2023 is Marxism.
Unfortunately, the speakers were not insightful in their rhetoric. Rather, several testified the largest threat to America today is a man – Donald J Trump. And his MAGA supporters are a part of this as well, I surmise.
What if, in 5 or 10 or 20 years, when a few of our Congressional members have moved on or died, there will be a different balance of power…
What if, in 5 or 10 or 20 years, it was the Jews or the Muslims or Blacks or Women who were the problem?
Isn’t it the same argument? Whether you want to agree or not, it is. You may know if by a more formal title – one my university professor friend used in my story.
It’s called Marxist Dialectic. Karl used the terms Bourgeois and proletariat. My Professor friend would substitute rich versus poor. On Capitol Hill today, it’s Trump and MAGA versus our Democracy.
Marxist regimes, be it socialist or Communist, Fascist or Nazi, were the murderers of 100 million people in the 20th Century, just as Nietzsche predicted.
It is a sad day when the ‘last bastion of freedom’ uses the hallowed halls in Washington to welcome multiple speakers, all reflecting how well Vladimir Lenin educated them. Maybe that’s why I’ve long been a proponent of closing the Department of Education.
Maybe you are beginning to realize what’s in store for the country and the world should we continue this march. If so, you may wish to understand how to prosper while living in tyranny by grabbing a copy of Prospering In A Socialist Society HERE.