What I did on my summer vacation in 1969
When I was 11, I visited Runnymede.
Quick. Without Googling it, what is Runnymede. Or, where is it.
Should you know where it is, do you know the significance of Runnymede. What happened there?
Runnymede is where the Magna Carte was signed. Do you recall what the Magna Carte is – again – without googling it?
These words should be common knowledge in American history – because America has its origin in a meadow known as Runnymede.
Runnymede. Magna Carta. John.
Should you Translate Magna Carta, it means Great Charter of Freedoms.
Basically the Magna Carta noted individuals have freedom. They were not a subject or property of a king, but were independent to live as they deemed they wanted to live. In short, no sovereign between you and your maker.
The Magna Carta found its way into early America and became the foundation of the United States Constitution.
Where are these individual freedoms today? Can we truly say we have liberty when the government decides when you are allowed to work, where you are allowed to work, how many people you are allowed to socialize with, whether you have the authorization to worship as you choose.
Under such living conditions, aren’t we living under tyranny and under despotism? Just look at the protests around the world so people may move and assemble and work as they choose.
How do you thrive? How do you provide for yourself, your family and your loved ones under such a world order?
That’s simple. It begins with men who once again stand for themselves whether it be in a meadow in England, in the court room or marching with thousands to declare war on the tyrants.
Does this mean you’ll flourish to the highest possible level?
Not at all. But the alternative is to diminish to the lowest possible level…
The Golden Rule: He Who has the Gold Makes the Rules
Alan Greenspan once commented the Federal Reserve Created and Sustained the Great Depression.
You see, as a privately-owned central bank of United States, the Fed can change the quantity of dollars in circulation — which leads to (and magnifies the) economic boom and bust cycles of U.S. economy.
This was exacerbated by FDR planning to spend and borrow his way out of the Depression. In essence, this would be like a person with insufficient cash flow maxing out their credit cards and becoming a millionaire in the process. I do have multi-millionaire friends who used their credit card to start a business, turning it into a successful, profitable business.
But that’s because they realized the credit card was borrowed money and developed a solid business.
Considering the Fed was only required to have a 40% cash reserve at the time of the Great Depression (meaning every paper dollar required 40 cents of gold backing it). Today, there is no cash reserve requirement for the Fed.
Interestingly, the government determined gold ownership to be illegal in 1933. Once that took place, the Fed and the government had total control over the nation as no one could fund opposition to the ‘reigning party.’ Considering the Fed could greatly reduce the dollars in circulation, thereby threatening a recession or depression should there be opposition to Big Government, and they controlled all the real money (gold and silver), there’s no wonder on why the country marched lockstep toward socialism from 1933 through the 1970s.
However, gold ownership became legal in the 1970s again, allowing individuals throughout the USA to produce outside of the Fed’s economy.
Don’t forget the Fed could once again make gold ownership illegal, thus legally cutting off all funding sources not approved by Big Government.
With such diabolical regimes in control of the USA, how do you consistently provide for yourself, your loved ones, and your family?
I do have a solution to this – a solution that works every time it is used. It’s found in my book, found exclusively at Read and Digest the book – and implement its strategies.
You will be amazed how well these strategies work and how well they work in all circumstances, even when living in tyranny.
Subscribe to my email list and you’ll receive an “unpublished chapter” which details how to divert your children and grand-children from living in tyranny.
Party On Dude
Our break from our typical week was one big party. No work. No school for my younger son. No networking meetings for my wife.
The party began the day vacation began as we celebrated our wedding anniversary by driving 9-1/2 hours, with a huge 3-hour detour to drop the dog off at the dog sitter. It continued the next day as I celebrated a birthday as well as the family getting together with the majority of the extended family for a rehearsal dinner (for a nephew’s next-day nuptials).
Monday was the wedding. With 9 brothers and sisters, there was one huge wedding party – I think they had 22 in the wedding party, including the flower girl and the ring bearer. Not to be outdone, my brother’s family currently tops that number with 10 children (6 married) plus 15 grand-children. This calculates to 33 in his family (as I write this).
Tuesday continued the partying by commuting to a “Bavarian” village in Northern Georgia culminating in a late arrival back at the dog-sitter (aka my father-in-law). The next two days were filled with Christmas activities at my in-laws home.
We arrived back home on Christmas Eve to ready ourselves the next day’s festivities with my wife’s family (the ones which live within 3-hours of us).
Sunday was a subdued day after all the travels, celebrations and parties.
Life is good. Life is blessed. As it should be.
Yet many in the world do not have the ability to travel and celebrate, to party without having someone monitor my time schedule. For those living in such conditions, my heart goes out to them. And the best I can offer them is what I am offering you – a strategy of how to live – how to flourish while living under tyrants and in a police state.
You can find my book at and should you subscribe to my email list, and you’ll receive another chapter that’s not in the book. This extra chapter shows you how to AVOID having your children, your grand-children and possibly MORE generations go through decades and possibly centuries of tyranny and return to freedom, virtually overnight
Soviet Amerika
Today I read an article entitled “Soviet America: Rights Violated, Jan. 6 Defendants Languish in Horrid Conditions.”
Here’s what a member of the House of Representatives found when they visited the detention area for the January 6 defendants.
“The walls of the rooms had residue of human feces, bodily fluids, blood, dirt, and mold. The community showers were recently scrubbed of black mold — some of which remained. The interior walls of the common area were also freshly painted. According to the inmates, the U.S. Marshals had recently visited the area just days before, which caused a flurry of activity by guards to clean up the January 6 area while the U.S. Marshals were inspecting another area.
“Inmates explained that they did not have access to their attorneys, families, or proper nutrition from the jail.
“… Some inmates disclosed that when they arrived in the area, the cells were crawling with rats and bed bugs.”
The purpose of this blog is not to complain about how a contingent of Trump supporters is being treated while in prison without due process. It’s to demonstrate whatever happens to the least of the citizens of the country, no matter their politics, age, religion, race or sex, it can happen to all.
Which begs the question – what keeps all of America from following the edicts of our government lest they fall to similar circumstances? Absolutely nothing.
Which then begs the question – how can you thrive in such a society so you can provide for yourself, your loved ones, your family?
I can answer that question. Simply. Straight-forwardly. It’s all laid out for you in my soon-to-be released book, found exclusively at Sign up for the email and you’ll receive another chapter that’s not in the book. This extra chapter shows you how to AVOID having your children, your grand-children and possibly MORE generations go through decades and possibly centuries of tyranny and return to freedom, virtually overnight
My Uncle & his trophy leopard
Uncle Herb was a world-traveler in the days before world travelling became commonplace.
I grew up in an era where someone travelling to distant lands was an Indiana Jones type of person. We stood in awe of them as we were in the ‘civilized’ world while their work led them to places that history and time tended to overlook.
Uncle Herb was a Canadian citizen who grew up in India during the 1920s and 1930s. During the 1940s he moved to the USA to attend college, and then returned to India to live several more years. His first language was not English or French. It was Telugu. This is one of Herb’s stories.
A leopard began to attack villages in the province of India where my Uncle lived. A native or two, walking alone, would be attacked and overpowered by this leopard and what was left of their remains were discovered several days later.
Government trackers and hunters were called in to remove this threat from the villagers. But, for some reason, the government hunters were unable to track down the leopard. After a couple of weeks, the hunters were called away to some other need in another part of India which was a higher priority, leaving these villages to once again fend for themselves.
Then it happened.
A friend of my uncle’s was attacked and killed. This angered my uncle and he now took offense to this menace as now, it was personal.
So my Uncle and a friend began to track the leopard themselves. In the meantime, the leopard entered a village and walked right into one of the huts in the village, setting the hut dwellers to scramble for their lives.
About that time, my Uncle and friend arrived on the scene. The villagers told them what had happened and showed them the hut the leopard and entered.
The hunters (my Uncle and his companion) discussed how to attack the leopard and realized it could be very dangerous to simply walk into the hut when they had no idea where in the hut the leopard was. It was decided the companion would climb onto the roof of the hut, lift some of the thatch and peer through to see where the leopard was.
The companion did as was agreed. But when he lifted up the thatch, he found himself staring at face of the leopard (the leopard had climbed onto the rafters of the hut so it would be like his was waiting in a tree for a victim).
Feriously, the leopard attacked the companion through the opening in the roof and the two of them went tumbling down the side of the hut.
My uncle took aim and shot – and killed the 11th largest leopard.
When they investigated to learn why the leopard was attacking humans, they found a several inch long thorn in-between the toes of one of the front paws. This made it took painful and difficult for the leopard to go after its normal game so it turned to easy game (humans) for survival.
You may be wondering how this account in our family’s history has to do with socialism.
The leopard attacked humans for survival reasons. It could no longer go after its preferred food due to its injuries.
However, the socialists attacking free societies are NOT attacking because of survival. Quite the opposite. The socialists are attacking for two reasons.
The first is they have no or little to no value they can offer others. Additionally, they suffer from greed and coveting. As a result, the only way they can gain what they desire is by theft. Theft by breaking into a house or bank only results in prison and possibly execution (if the property owner’s aim doesn’t get them first).
But theft via government is perfectly acceptable – you may be complained about but very few have the gonads to stand for their rights and property the way George Washington and others of his generation did.
Secondly, millionaires become socialist as they are bored with their millions and desire to “feel what true power is like.” (this is a Ted Turner quote). I would define the second reason as a ‘god-like’ delusion, in which the person dreams of being god-like by possessing that much power over another’s life. As such, it is little different between the masses (the slaves) and the plantation owner.
Here’s the crux of it. In order to be god-like, you have to exterminate any ‘gods’ which get in the way of your godliness. This includes religion and any aspects of that religion which point to someone other than the ‘god’. Therefore, any moral standard which is not of ‘god’ must be obliterated.
In such a world, how do you provide for yourself, your family, your loved ones?
I can show you – specifically – how you can thrive even in such a society. It’s in my book. It’s soon to be released through my website
BTW, should you sign up for my email list, you’ll get an extra chapter when the book comes out – not available just by getting the book. This extra chapter shows you how to AVOID having your children, your grand-children and possibly MORE generations go through decades and possibly centuries of tyranny and return to freedom, virtually overnight.
The Second Amendment and the US Senate
My Dear Sherrod (open letter to Sherrod Brown, US Senator),
Thank you for your email dated this morning regarding firearm related legislation.
You are correct in saying shootings around the United States are far too common.
In your email, you reflect on your common sense gun safety protections as well as looking forward to passing gun safety measures during the 177th Congress.
My response is to demonstrate your ignoring of law which surpasses any legislation you may write during the 117th Congress – the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. I am positive when I reached out to you, I asked a simple question – how do your actions NOT violate the Supreme law of the land.
The Second Amendment reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
When the Second Amendment was written, there was no standing army, there was no militia other than the citizenry. As a consequence, referring to a “well-regulated militia” as a government-controlled military having the right to keep and bear arms would be an oxymoron. What government is history has not had a military? Therefore a well-regulated militia as many define it today would make the Second Amendment an illogical amendment.
Secondly, government has never, over time, been a friend of a free State. Quite the opposite. History is replete with examples of nations evolving from a free state to a dictatorship or oligarchy, thanks to an over-reaching government. The newly formed nation of the United States had, less than a decade before, been involved in a war to defeat such tyrants. As such, Americans believing government to be the friend and protector of freedom is a distortion of history.
Thirdly, it is the right of the people, the individual to keep and bear arms. The Supreme Court has, multiple time, ruled the same.
Lastly, the synonyms of the word infringed include abide, adhere, adhere to, by the book, clean up your act, conform to/with, contempt, enforce, legit, obey, on the right/wrong side of the law, pervert, respect, stick and tamper. ALL your regulations and rules and measures and protections violate this word and as such, encroach on the Second Amendment.
John Adams wrote the US Constitution was written for a moral and religious people and was wholly inadequate for any other type of people. I suggest the problem with gun violence in the USA is a moral issue, not a legislative problem. The same immorality which justifies extermination of our most fragile of the citizenry is also at the core of gun violence.
As an engineer, I know until you find the core of a problem, you won’t repair the problem. You’ll simply put band-aids on a poor to mediocre design.
The same immorality is also at work, spending trillions YOU never intend to pay back, which will result in financial slavery for the nation’s children and grand-children.
Until you solve this moral dilemma, I suggest Congress stop legislating more law, rules, measures and regulations. That’s the first step. Otherwise, you will continue to repeat your mistakes just as consistently as a dog returning to its vomit.
Ted Leithart
The Deplorables reside in DC
The New Pandemic
There’s a new virus on the horizon. It’s more potent than Covid-19 and will cause government more money to research, identify and exterminate the virus.
You probably have heard of it before but it is not the omicron variant and it is not even in the same gene pool as the SARS virus.
But it is deadly. Very deadly. And it affects all who come in contact with it – not only short-term but multi-generational as well.
Our politicians in Washington fear this virus and what affects it may have on the country long-term. And they do not like it. In fact, they will do virtually everything in their power to stop this virus before it grows too large.
The virus can be fully recognized and understood with one word – Americanism. Americanism:
- Stands firm against Washington and its bureaucracy as Washington is diametrically opposed to it.
- Has stood the test of time and has thrived for over 230 years. In fact, once a person is infected by this virus, liberty and freedom tends to follow.
- Is can be researched and understood (and embraced thoroughly) through a study its core documents – the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Holy Bible.
Now you see why Washington will spend more money to research, identify and exterminate this virus. Should the virus be allowed to continue, it will oppose the globalist agenda as envisioned by the Order of the Illuminati and written down by Karl Marx.
Unfortunately, the longer the virus lives and evolves, the more of a stanch opponent to Washington it becomes.
May God have mercy on the virus.
CNN and Newspeak
It was happening prior to this, but I first recognized the level it has become today in 1995. Maybe the 24/7 news networks which began in earnest in 1980 with CNN.
I was travelling the country quite a bit in those days, flying from one aerospace subcontractor to another. Every airport had the din of CNN in the background continually. Same news stories every 30 minutes or so with miniscule changes should an update be inserted prior to the next 30 minute cycle beginning.
Abraham Lincoln said it best. “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it” is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany.
Mixing these two quotes into the 24/7 news cycle is what created what I observed in 1995.
I’m speaking of news repeating a story often enough that a large percentage of the population believes it. Also, by repeating the story and following a single story for days and weeks, the citizenry can be focused on the “Breaking News” of the moment rather than observing what else is going on.
OJ’s trial of the Century is an example. So is:
- 9/11
- The War on Terror
- The Invasion of Iraq
- The Financial Crisis of 2008
- Trump colluding with Russia
- The Pandemic
Take a moment to think of all the law, all the money spent, and all the other unheard news which happened since 1995 as a result of the 24/7 newscasters focusing on one “major” story at a time.
Gabby and Brian is an example from 2021. Yes, it was saddening. Yes, Brian, if he had not taken his own life, should have been tried for murder. But the hours spent on this story while Congress and the President happily indebted your children and grand-children to another half-trillion dollars (as well as detailing what that $500 billion was spent on) was a non-conversation because the daily episode of “As the World Turns” starring Gabby and Brian kept America focused on it.
Who said Lincoln (and Goebbels) is dead? Their disciples disseminate their gospel with more fervor than most preachers were allowed to teach the Gospel during much of 2020.
With Newspeak (the language of Orwell’s 1984) given a 24/7 platform, the question becomes what is truth – and how can I recognize what to do to provide for myself, my family and my loved ones?
That’s simple. I detail it in my book. Soon to be found at
Sign up to my email list and you’ll be the first to know my “Breaking News” about the book and YOUR prosperity.
It’s time for another Department within the US government
While reviewing my most recent musings this afternoon, I realized how profound one of my random thoughts is.
In fact, it is so profound, I believe there should be another government department added to the bureaucracy. It is that important and it would also help most Americans understand current events.
Without this department
- The debate over whether what we read on the Internet is true would continue forever.
- All the mis-information regarding the CoronaVirus and we would not know when Mr. Fauci’s insights are fact or opinion
- Americans would never know whether President Trump collaborated with Russia to win the 2016 election
- Moving the country from poor energy sources like oil to the wonder of renewables would never take place
- Wall Street Bankers would continue to manipulate markets to enrich themselves while turning the populace into destitute slaves
I suggest this New government department be entitled The Department of Deception.
All government correspondence would need to be reviewed for content and understanding prior to release and all official government correspondence would be disseminated via the Department of Deception.
By doing so, Americans would finally understand all correspondence from the government is pure uh, well, uh, duplicity.