Nancy-flatuence or Biden-flation?
Is the administration inbred?
It’s amazin’ what ‘facts’ as well as rumors you can dig up through the Internet as well as alternative media these days. For example:
Did you know Nancy Pelosi as well as President Biden, John Kerry and Mitt Romney’s children all have connections with Ukrainian oil companies? That’s the rumor on social media.
However, fact-checkers say it isn’t so.
According to social media rumors, Hillary Clinton, when functioning as the Secretary of State, completed a business deal entitled Uranium One, which is said to sell 20% of uranium reserves to Russia.
I also learned recently on the Internet Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President Kennedy.
After several years of many on Capitol Hill jumping around, continually accusing President Trump of colluding with Russia, we find through the Durham report and other sources the oldest game from Kindergarten is actually true (the game in which you point an accusing finger at the classmate accusing you).
President Roosevelt knew about the pending attack on Pearl Harbor months prior to December 7.
Anthony Fauci announced in 2017 there would be a pandemic before President Trump’s term ended.
There were 9-11 calls after the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City of unexploded charges on various columns within the building – after the bomb was discharged.
So after glancing through the above as well other other coincidences and facts, I began to do some research on my own. Unfortunately, my research is not complete, but listen to my argument and decide whether further research is warranted.
We all are aware of the Ukraine-Russia war which currently underway. A year prior to this, on day one of Joe Biden’s Presidency, he cancelled a number of oil contracts and cancelled a pipeline which was in the midst of being built.
At that time, the United States was energy independent. This was the first time in decades.
At the outset of the war, we were warned oil would be substantially increasing in price. Adding to this, the United States has determined to not purchase Russian oil without having any resource to replace the 7-10% of oil we purchase from Russia.
Rather than suggesting the USA reopen oil production during the war, we are ‘dumping’ our Strategic Oil Reserves, the oil our military depends on should they not be able to obtain oil for successfully running a military campaign.
Our economy depends overwhelmingly on oil. As recently as 2019, the USA used fossil fuels for 80% of its energy needs, whereas the world. In addition, I recently came across an article which noted the world depends on fossil fuels for 84% of its energy needs.
In short, we will soon not have the tools to grow food, to heat and cool our homes, to power our vehicles, to manufacture goods and services.
What does the Biden Administration say about this?
If you are unhappy about the price of gasoline, buy a EV.
As well as
Increasing the drilling, pumping and refining of oil will not bring the price of gasoline down, but buying a EV car will.
Which brings me to what I am stumped over as my research has hit a brick wall. If you can provide insight that would enhance my research for this hypothesis, I would appreciate it.
My hypothesis is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg have a common ancestor.
The family name – Antoinette.
When Americans plead for the tool which allows them to live, work and thrive, they are told to buy an electric car (which gets, arguably, 84% of the electricity to charge it from fossil fuels).
When the French pled with their government for the basic necessities of life, Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake” knowing the tools to make the cake were not available.
I rest my case.
Washington and the Age of Aquarius
Yesterday was a very significant date.
Brian, a co-worker, pointed out to me about the significance of 22 February 2022 and the time of 2:22 am or pm.
When Brian pointed out to me that the day was significant, my reply was, “Yes, it’s the birthday of the ‘father’ of the country.”
Brian was undeterred in telling about how significant the date was and all the predictions of special events that would happen on such a date. He followed up by asking me what I had said about the ‘father of the country.’
“George Washington. It’s his 290th birthday.”
“Really. I didn’t know that.”
This is amazin’ as Brian considers himself to be informed about various events and nuisances observed throughout the country.
But for some reason, I cannot fathom Washington’s contemporaries slapping him on his shoulder during a birthday celebration while telling George if he would have been born ten years earlier, his birthday would have been 2/22/22 – and even more amazin’ that if he would have been born at 2:22 pm in the afternoon, that would be massively significant.
Can you hear Honest George proclaiming to everyone at his birthday party that “I’m sorry, but we are stopping the celebration as Ben and Tom and I just realized I was born 10 years to the day too late to have any real influence on the world.”
Later in the evening, after a few more rounds of cider or whiskey, Ben, John and George would come to the conclusion that Tom had the Declaration signed one year and 3 days too early, because the date 7 July 1777 would surely have been more significant than the date it was signed.
Just think, 7/7/77, the number of completion times four, mixed with the Declaration signed the same day would have assured…
Assured what?
The only thing I can think it assured would be way too much time spent on astrology.
Oh, we can’t cross the Delaware tonight as
‘the moon is in the seventh house,
and Jupiter is aligning with Mars.
As a result, it’s not time for war, it’s a time for peace
which will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.’
To which George replies, “Guys, I told you no smoking hemp during the winter solstice.”
You don’t know what you’re missing
It’s amazing how many different ways I have had that phrase said to me over the years.
When I was invited to dinner and refused to eat the dessert (because from the age 19 to about 35, I didn’t eat dessert). I was told I didn’t know what I was missing. My reply was “Of course I know exactly what I am missing. That’s why I refused to eat dessert.”
When I was visiting some friends who had recently divorced, but the couple still dated from time-to-time, the wife offered to spend the night with me as I didn’t know what I was missing should I refuse. But I knew exactly what I was missing – the ruin of a friendship with the guy.
When I was shopping for a new car and was only interested in certain maniufacturers as I tend to purchase automobiles I can get my money out of, I was told I didn’t know what I was missing. But what I was missing was spending tens of thousands I’d never get back.
When I cut off a dating relationship with a young woman I had been dating for a couple of years, she commented “you’ll miss me.” We haven’t spoken in 15 years, and it’s the best our relationship has ever been.
When a salesperson tells me “You don’t know what you’ll be missing if you don’t purchase this”, I ask them to explain it to me. Their explanation is typically generic terms which are meaningless in themselves. My follow-up is “everyone tells me that. What makes you different?” which had stopped many a salesperson in their tracks.
However, when I tell you “you don’t know what you’re missing” should you avoid purchasing and reading, nay digesting and implementing my upcoming book on how to succeed under tyranny, I am not selling you anything. I’m simply stating a fact.
Go to and sign up for my email list so you can get first in-line on learning how to PIASS.
Buon Compleanno Enzo
This Friday (as well as Sunday)is the 124th birthday of the person I envisioned myself to be – and he was the ultimate inspiration of why I decided to get an engineering degree.
By the time this man was 20, he was alone in the world, having lost his family in World War I. He got a job driving trucks from one factory to another and did this for a time before getting hired by a large Italian manufacturer.
Here he became friends with the engineers and ‘chief players’ at the firm. These friendships he leveraged for the remainder of his life. And, by the end of his life, he was considered one of the most revered engineers in the world, having never achieved an engineering degree himself.
Throughout his life, his peers challenged him, revered him, hated him, wanted to destroy his work and eulogized him with praise when he passed at age 90.
How did he have two birthdays – Friday as well as Sunday. He was born on the 18th of February but there was such a snow storm that day his family did not record his birth until the 20th – and in his country, your ‘birthday’ was the day it was recorded.
He himself considered his passion in life to be a terrible joy as he ‘sent’ dozens of men to their deaths over the years. Although he did not pass judgement on these men or cause their death, the media stirred the public’s emotions to a frenzy – to the point he was tried for some of these deaths, and found innocent.
His name – Enzo Ferrari.
His Terrible Joy was automobile racing.
He was much more in tune with building the next successful racing car than in building a street car. However, he found he could make enough money to finance his racing by selling ‘streetable’ copies of his racing cars.
To give you a small taste of the sound, sensation, smell, I have been allowed to relish dozens of times, go to 7 Minutes Of Pure Ferrari 250 GTO Hillclimb Bliss – YouTube
Buon Compleanno Enzo
HR, 2022
Recently I applied for a sales position at a fast-growing company nearby.
The first interview as well as both observation sessions (where I observe the day-to-day phone sales in action) went swimmingly well.
And the second interview went well until he interviewer, Mark, asked if I had any questions.
I asked whether there was any “CRT Training’ at the company. Mark’s reply was ‘these things come and go’ with the times and currently, there is no ‘CRT employee training.’ But I did observe the demeanor of the conversation change. In short, the conversation went from a friendly, getting-to-know-you conversation to all-business. The getting-to-know-you conversation was done.
It is interesting so much as what our children as well as us in the workforce experience today is political and makes you march to a socialist beat, should you wish to get the job or keep the job.
Kroger and Procter & Gamble are two major players in my local market who are making their employees march to this beat, much different than free-enterprise, American principles of a generation ago.
I’m old enough to remember Sam Walton’s “Buy American” program of the 1980s. Although there are American products within Walmart and Sam’s Club walls these days, there are few compared to the number of Chinese products offered.
In fact, I recall a comedian’s comment of a few months ago.
This comic decided to start buying American and, to his surprise, he found he was saving quite a bit of money. For example, he noted, he visited his local Walmart in search for American products. He found one, but decided he didn’t need a new toilet.
So to employers requiring CRT and such socialist courses for employees in good standing, I thank you. You make it so easy to decide what products to buy as you advertise your brand names every day, hoping to attract me as a buyer. Since I already know your corporate principles are anti-American, by advertising your brands consistently, I know which products to not even consider in the stores.
As I have been saying for several months, the way back to “Buy American” is simple. Support your local businesses which make American products and provide services while shunning anti-American principles. Help grow these businesses with your money.
Ensure these businesses finances are backed in tangible goods and real money, not digital currencies or stock prices (Isn’t it amazing the value of a business which has no tangible goods or services, like Facebook – it’s very easy to implode a business manufactured solely by electrons flowing through wires). It’s very easy to massively inflate the value of a business that solely has electrons flowing through wires.
In short, create a second economy based on Austrian principles (Economic principles, not the country). And do business within this network with real money, leaving your transactions using digital currencies and fiat monies to paying taxes and fees.
This is one way to thrive while living in tyranny.
Should you be seeking other solutions on how to prosper in such economic times, and worse, you can get my upcoming book, exclusively at
Get your FREE crack pipe
On Monday, the Biden Administration announced they would fund crack pipe distribution to advance ‘racial equity’.
Which, in my mind, created all sorts of thoughts of how this would go down?
Would I receive a $1400 check from the Treasury Department as they are considering handing out an additional $1400 for Covid relief? Along with the envelope in the mailbox would there be a brown-paper box with a certified government crack pipe inside?
Inside the box would I find my new crack pipe along with a note signed by Sleepy Joe to “enjoy”?
That’s one way I could fund my crack addiction for the month – a Covid relief check.
I can imagine members of Obama’s choom gang filing suit in Federal Court claiming discrimination as they only smoked weed and didn’t ever get into crack or meth or acid. Barack would obviously want equal funding for the choom gang as crackheads have for their pipes.
Bootleggers would follow as the government’s program to promote crack (as well as opium – after all, it’s rumored this was the only reason we stayed in Afghanistan for so long – the opium business was SOOOOO profitable) has resulted in a loss of income.
Bootleggers and pushers would file suit, in time, against the Federal government for creating a monopoly in the illicit drug distribution industry.
Aerospace manufacturers would file suit as well as the crack pipes the Federal government is distributing is not the same quality as the $600 toilet seats or the $600 hammer and they want to design the “mother of all crack pipes” worthy of a government program.
Of course, we’ll need to spend millions developing the specs for these crack pipes, testing various ceramics to determine which would be best for crack and whether a crack pipe should actually be used for meth as well – or whether we need another set of FAR regulations for meth pipes.
This is how I am succeeding in a socialist society. You see, I own stock in several military industrial complex businesses, the choom industry (oopps, sorry, the medical marijuana industry), various alcohol distributors, the Chinese Opium Importers of Beijing as well as American Standard.
For the rest of you who desire to understand how you can succeed and thrive under tyranny, you have my book, available exclusively at
Joe the tyrant
On Tuesday, President Biden met with the Senate Judiciary committee. During his comments, he noted the “Constitution is always evolving slightly…”
In response, attorney Ken Klukowski stated “Justice Antonin Scalia famously explained our Constitution is in writing because written words do not change over time. When the American people decide change is warranted, they amend the Constitution through their elected leaders, not have it imposed on them by unelected judges.”
But President Biden’s comment brings up a good point. When does an agreement change, or when am I allowed to unilaterally change an agreement.
Since the Supreme law of the land evolves over time, certainly other agreements and contracts can also evolve over time.
Does this mean I can unilaterally change my mortgage agreement? After all, if the Supreme law of the land can evolve outside of an agreement between the citizens and the government, certainly a miniscule agreement between a person whose last name is Bank and me should be able to be altered as well.
How about my marriage contract? This unilateral change certainly provides a different perspective on Hunter’s and Joe’s private times.
How about my credit card terms?
Joe, the political giant as well as legal superior that he is, fails to understand integrity and ethics matter. Rather than changing financial, political or other aspects of your life with no regard for the others involved, Joe suggests we can charge ahead using judges, mandates and executive orders to do whatever he pleases.
In short, Joe has proven himself to be a tyrant, which makes the citizens of the United States slaves.
And how to slaves prosper? That I can tell you. I can show you strategies that work every time it is implemented and held to.
Simply check out my website, for details of my upcoming book.
Read the book time and time again. Get a reference copy for your extended family members and friends. Implement the strategies therein. And prosper.
Even under Joe and even when you don’t have contracts with the CCP.
Joni Mitchell and Neil Young are still revolutionaries at heart
Earlier this week, Neil Young removed his music from Spotify as he was sharing a platform with Joe Rogan, who has “a concerning history of broadcasting misinformation, particularly regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.”
First of all, whether Joe Rogan publishes misinformation regarding Covid-19 or any other issue in the world is a moot point.
We have a rogue (he is a rogue and from a Constitutional standpoint, he’s going rogue) in the White House. He is, according to the Ukrainian president, misguided, misinformed and does not understand the current situation.
War costs lives, primarily the lives of our young adults.
Yet our President is willing to be ignorant of the facts, barge ahead and create a scenario similar to the beginning of WW1 where old men still want to demonstrate their power on the world.
As a result, thousands of Americans as well as Russians and Ukrainians may soon die should Joe Biden have his way.
So should Joe Biden be silenced (from a news cast, news reporting viewpoint). No. Hopefully swifter, more insightful minds will prevail yet I still remain firm in the belief the USA has enough “checks and balances” left in it to protect the country from falling into another meaningless war (maybe I should say this last statement while genuflecting to God).
Similar viewpoint should be given to Joe Rogan.
Yet Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, young revolutionaries and living in the counter-culture 1960s (60 years after it became history) believe voices which do not agree with them should be silenced. Isn’t this what the 1960s were about –?
Don’t trust anyone over 30;
Down with the establishment;
Make Love, not war.
Today Joni and Neil would:
Make love IF you make love the way they approve.
Trust a person IF they are over 70.
Want to be the establishment and death (at least verbal death) to others.
I find it of the highest irony Joni and Neil are acting like our grandparents did in the 1960s. Where are the Joni Mitchell and Neil Young I remember from 1968? Have they gone where “the flowers have gone”, much like our President’s gray matter?
The revolution Joni and Neil advocated is still with us today. The revolutionaries now wear suits and are elected to national office. These revolutionaries are still dreaming of Marx and Lenin.
And the counter-revolutionaries are to be silenced. Much as they have been in the past, in places like Germany, China, Cuba and others – silenced by the Marxist revolutionaries.
Yep, Joni and Neil are still with us. And like Che, they still chant “Viva la Revolucion.”
In such times, how do you protect yourself, your family and your loved ones? That’s simple. I spell out all the details in my upcoming book, found exclusively at