
We Are the World, Episode 27

We Are the World, Episode 27

My wife informed me over dinner our hometown , Columbus, Ohio, is experiencing a planned power outage. As I understand it, over 170,000 customers of AEP Ohio have lived through a power outage lasting over 24 hours. The official word is the outage was planned to protect the power grid.

Over the past several months, Americans have been warned of power outages and black outs throughout the summer of 2022.

CBS News reported the following in late May: “In its annual summer assessment released this week, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation noted that the Upper Midwest is facing a capacity shortfall leading to a “high risk of energy emergencies.” The entire Western U.S. also could face a power outage emergency in the event of spikes in energy use.”

The article goes on to note these assessments have been taking place over the past 30 years.

What’s the cause of this?

“According to The Walls Street Journal, California, Texas and Indiana are a few of the states facing potential power outages this summer. One of the largest contributors to this latest Biden fiasco is the administration’s push for green energy.”  (from

All this reporting of power outages, forcing a country ill-prepared a New Green Deal and other problems facing America, including inflation and the upcoming food shortages, remind me of a song.

How many of you remember “We are the World”?

To remind you, this was a large movement back in 1985 to assist Ethiopia due to the massive food shortages and famine in the region. As a result, the movement USA for Africa was launched and the song “We are the World” was a part of it.

What was not reported was the reason for the food shortages.

Ethiopia and Eastern Africa regularly experience famine and drought. As a result, the people of this region keep food when it grows as they anticipate and plan for the next ‘food shortage’.

Unfortunately, when the Communists took over Ethiopia, they called this planning “hoarding” and outlawed it. So when the next anticipate drought/ food shortage happened, the people had no food. They needed outside help. Enter Live Aid, USA for Africa and “We are the World”.

You probably don’t know this as an American, but the food provided by other countries came at a price.

At the time, there were freedom fighters in Ethiopia, fighting for the country’s independence from the Communists. The communist government had long-ago determined to starve the freedom fighters out of their mountain hideouts.

All the freedom fighters had to do to get food is to lay down their arms and submit to the government.

This is why it’s so important to be a good student of history – because history repeats itself.

Could the power outages, the food shortages, the supply chain problems all have one common theme – to starve out any independent-thinking Americans?

Call me far-fetched. Call me a loony. Call me a conspiracy theorist.

But should you desire to have a resource that will show you how to provide for your family in the midst of chaos, then you need to get my book, available at

The book provides an understanding of socialism and Marxism as well as why it is so diabolical. It next gives you examples of how to provide for yourself and your family even in the midst of these difficult times. And lastly, how to avoid these difficult times in the first place.

All there in one succinct read that you can probably make over the course of one evening.

All at

Star Wars, 2022

Star Wars, 2022

Yesterday Bill and I watched a movie I had not watched for a number of years. Star Wars.

Bill was unimpressed. I could not get over how good it was. I told Bill:

“There’s quite a bit of life philosophy within the story. For example, the advice which Obi-Wan and Yoda give to Luke throughout the film is life-changing.”

Bill replied he found the Star Wars movies to be repetitive as well as quite a bit of fluff.

“What do you mean by fluff?” I asked.

“Well, the philosophy you think is so insightful is just platitudes and little else.”

“How can you argue against the ‘yin-yang’ balance of life?

“How can you argue that some people have much more power than others? Some have a greater Chi or internal power than others. Don’t you agree with this?”

Bill replied, “I find even Yoda’s philosophy to be distorted.”

“How so?”

“If you change the statement slightly it will provide quite a bit of insight into life over the past 2-3 decade.”

“What would that be?”

“Well, throughout the 1990s and into the turn of the century, with the world changing massively on 9-11, the war on terror, the Obama Administration, the Trump craziness, and now post-Covid and the Ukraine-Russian border, you have to admit one common theme at work. In the midst of all this, there’s one common, underlying truth that prevails.”

“And what is that?” I asked.

“It’s ’the FARCE is strong’ clarifies everything we’ve been told to believe over the past 30 years.”

“Yoda got that right, didn’t he?”

“He sure did…”

Going Green is Absolutely Stupid

I was listening to some alternative news this morning. One of the articles was the real reason for the high fuel prices was the United States is shutting down refineries.

In other words, there is plenty of oil but there is a limit on the amount of oil that can be refined due to the lack of refineries that were open.

Should you research how much renewables are providing in terms of energy, you’ll find 84% of the world relies on fossil fuels for their electricity and transportation needs. Additionally, here in Ohio, only 0.78% of the energy needed for the state is generated by renewables. In other words, fossil fuels provide 99%, or 99/100ths of the energy needed to live a modern life.

Think of it this way. Only 16% of the world’s population would have sufficient energy supplies should we go green. The remaining 84% of the world’s citizens, or 6.72 billion people, would not have sufficient energy to meet their needs.

Over time, even the “elite 16” would not have sufficient energy as they would not have the infrastructure we had as recently as 2020 to mine rare earths and metals, refine these rare earths and metals, provide the fuel to manufacturing and manpower to turn these raw materials into its final form, manufacture items out of these refined metals, and ship these products the world over for consumption.

In short, the “Elite 16” are massively reducing their own lifestyle, possibly to the point these elites are living no better than people were 150-200 years ago.

So the elites are so driven to be the kings and queens of the world they are willing to kill off most of the tools that make modern society possible.

And we, by and large, are letting them.

You JUST don’t get it

24 May 2022

Republican National Committee
P.O. Box 758612
Topeka, KS  66675-8612

SUBJECT: You JUST don’t get it


To whom it may concern:

I am in receipt of your latest survey and you still don’t get it.

The Supreme Law of the Land – the U.S. Constitution – the thing everyone on Capitol Hill SWORE to stand for against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, assigns only 17 jobs to the Federal government.

Per the 9th and 10th Amendment, everything (that means all, 100%, no wiggle room) not specifically addressed in the US Constitution is reserved for the States and to the people.

  • Which means the Department of Education should be gone.
  • Which means no funding for Ukraine or any other foreign entity
  • Which means no abortion granted or restrained from a Federal level of government.

You have only 17 assigned tasks and you can’t get even one right, in accordance with the Constitution.  That means you FLUNKED out of Congress even if you were graded on a curve by the most lenient of teacher.

It isn’t that hard.

It’s very simple.

17 items. You probably buy more things than that when you visit the grocery store.

You get it – and prove it by your voting record – and my money will begin to be donated to the individuals who prove they possess a sterling character.

The rest are no better than Putin or Zelenskyy, put together.



Forrest Gump Reigns Supreme

I was running late this afternoon as I had to work some overtime to help out the business.

As I was hustling to get home, a co-worker asked me why I was in such a rush. I replied, “I need to get home and write.”


“Yes, write. I write every day, attempting to write for an hour or two every day.”

“What are you writing?” Bri asked.

“I’m writing a book” was my reply.

“Oh, really, what about?”

“It’s entitled Prospering in a Socialist Society.”

Bri looked at me with glazed eyes and in a daze that said, “I have no idea why you’d ever right about that…”

Bri continued, “There are several other people in here writing books as well. Chris is writing about growing flowers. John is writing about being Gay….” Bri trailed on and on about the various books others were writing.

I asked, “Do you understand socialism at all?”

Bri replied, “Of course. It’s a governmental system where everyone is treating much more equitably than in our current society. And the government monitors these things to ensure it happens.”

It was my turn to give Bri a look of glazed eyes while being in a daze while I thought to myself, “Wow, you feign having an education pretty well.”

“May I give you something to think about?”


“OK. There are two ways any person can live. You can live free and make the choices, good or bad, for yourself. Or you can have someone else determine your choices for you.

“Living free is a society where you live following a moral standard and so does everyone else. As a result, only the standard makes the rules to follow. A good example is the Ten Commandments. Should you follow those as the basis for your life, these are the only rules you need to follow.

“On the other hand, you have someone else make the choices for you results in thousands and thousands of pages of rules. This is called an oligarchy and is the basis for Naziism, Socialism and Communism.

“All you have to do is to look at the number of pages written for just one law. I’ll pick ObamaCare, not to pick on it, but to demonstrate this one law, or rule if you will, governs one small piece of society. We have hundreds of similar pieces of legislation as well.

“So which society, based on what I just said, are we living in?”

“We’re living free…”

“So you are living free even though we have thousands and thousands upon thousands of laws and regulations?”

“I see your point. We’re living in a society where someone else is making all the decisions for me.”

“And is it working well?”


“So you just agreed that socialism doesn’t work well.”

“But that isn’t socialism.”

“May I suggest you need to stop feigning being education. I do not desire to be rude or an ass, but please take some time to understand before you comment on things you know little about.

“You wouldn’t want this from your doctor, would you? You want a doctor who’s spent years practicing and studying their craft. I am simply suggesting you spend some time understanding what you are embracing.”

“I suggest an older booklet entitled An Overview of Our World. I’ll bring you a copy should you agree you will at least glance through it.”

Colleges scramble to recruit students as nationwide enrollment plunges

I came across this headline this afternoon:

Colleges scramble to recruit students as nationwide enrollment plunges

Hundreds of thousands have left the college pipeline amid pandemic turmoil and the lure of jobs

I find this amazin’ as my son’s school realized a 25% increase in attendees within the past two years. Now this happens to be a high school, but this reflects something different about his school, that the school would attract this much of an increase in attendance.

One of the colleges my son applied to (he is starting college this fall) has a 15% acceptance rate. Why? Because the increase in the number of applicants they have had over the past couple of years massively outpaces the college’s assets to provide an education.

The college my son determined to attend has had a similar increase in applications as well. In fact, I understand the number of accepted students has grown so drastically over the past couple of years the his freshman class size is 15% of the entire student body (they have grown that much).

What’s the difference?

The article’s subtitle blames the situation on the pandemic. To be sure, when it becomes a hindrance to customers to procure what they desire, be it houses, cars or an education, the marketplace will determine an alternative.

But there’s another reason. Students at all levels are not being educated. In fact, students have not received an education at the university level for years.

Case in point. When I attended a large university whose mascot was a worthless nut to our opponents, I enrolled in a Current Events class. One of the assignments for the class was to present a current event topic to the class.

At the end of the class that morning, I asked the professor if it would be alright should I present an alternative Point-Of-View. I was told that was acceptable.

My topic was South Africa. Without divulging the details of the talk, I spoke of the history of South Africa. I spoke of that land being unoccupied by any nation when the ‘Afrikans’ settled there and the only blacks (an acceptable term in the 1970s) were observed when other black tribes chased a tribe into South African lands.

In short, the fighting in South Africa was a black-on-black problem (it still was when Winnie and Nelson suggested necklacing would change the country).

After the presentation, the professor made it very clear to me that my ‘POV was unacceptable at this university.’ My response was, “Then why do you call this place ‘a university’ since it was clear observing the commonality found throughout the universe through the observing the diverse things we see was not an allowable topic of conversation?”

It is obvious, to me, many have found the same narrow-minded pigheadedness that is the socialist mind throughout the ‘higher education industry’ and, as such, many have determined to gain wisdom where gaining wisdom would be welcomed.

Such is the situation in all socialist countries. The difference it how well the country is able to hide this fact.

If that’s the case, then, how do you thrive? How do you provide for yourself, your family, your loved ones?

That’s simple to explain. It’s all mapped out for you in my upcoming book, found exclusively at

Sign up for my email list and I’ll provide you with the secret last chapter – on how to avoid having 2-3-5 generations live through the tyranny of despots and dictators before wise minds realize the USA (and other free countries) really had something good going on.

How soon we forget…

How soon we forget…

In the past couple of days, during the Senate confirmation hearings for #ketanjibrownjackson , the judge was asked to define ‘woman’.

Jackson said she could not define woman as she was not a biologist.

And she’s being ridiculed for this. May I provide a different perspective…

For the past two years, up until a few weeks ago when  the news media dumped the pandemic marketing in favor of the Ukraine war marketing, the world was experiencing a pandemic which some described as worse than Pearl Harbor or 9-11.

The pandemic was supposed to be that detrimental to the world.

There were dissenters to this marketing, which were silenced through job loss, threats of job loss, and shouted down for not “following the science”. In short, the tactics used by domineering parents or bosses who can’t seem to keep employees.

I know several personal friends who were shouted down (and told to shut up) because they were not an epidemiologist. Only epidemiologists had the knowledge to find a way to overcome the pandemic.

Yet the dissenters of the pandemic have demonstrated, over the past several months, their simple-to-follow methods cure Covid-19.

Vaccines were not necessary. Nor were lockdowns or masking or social distancing. Much of this hype, should you read various perspectives and make your own opinion, was marketing. Pure and simple marketing by Big medicine and Big Pharma.

My point is – for two years, only epidemiologists and Fauci had the answer. Now its been shown they had very few, if any answers.

Ms. Jackson is simply using the same argument that unless you are an expert in a field, you have no right to voice your thoughts or opinions (or fact). You must be an expert, recognized by Big Education in order to express any meaningful thought.

In short, Ms. Jackson will have to abstain from many of the cases which come before her bench as she has no expertise in science, math or virtually anything (other than language) pertinent in modern society.  Therefore, by her own words, she is unworthy of begin a Supreme Court judge.

Ms. Jackson must also keep in mind through all her work, her rulings, her political beliefs and any agenda she has, to the major players in our global society she is a “useful idiot”. Because once the socialist revolution begins, the doctors, lawyers and people of influence disappear into the gulags first.

All progressives should be aware of this should they care for themselves and their loved ones.

I took my neighbor’s truck without asking…

Several months ago, my next door neighbor, Paul, commented that everything will be alright with the United States if we just got rid of Trump.

Now Paul and I have had a strained relationship for several years, going back to when my son was 7 or 8 years old, and he treated my son unfairly because he did not like some of the childish things my son did.

The other day, Paul started his truck to warm it up in his driveway. I took the opportunity to get in the truck and move it to my driveway, turn it off, and take the keys inside. A few minutes later, there was angry pounding at the front door.

Amazingly, it was Paul.

“Why did you take my truck?”

“Well, I decided you have gone too far in your actions over the years, so I decided it was time to do the Biden thing.”

“What do you mean by that?” he asked through gritted teeth and with clenched fists.

“Settle down and I’ll explain it to you,” I replied calmly.

“It’ll take a few minutes – can you spare the time?”

“Yes” he growled.

“Recently Biden and the world determined to take other people’s property even though they had not done anything wrong other than being the wrong nationality.”

“We’re both American… Give me back my truck!”

“Hold on. You’re saying that even though you and I have had our differences over the years, most recently over you cutting trees on my property as well as my not getting your approval for the upgrades I’ve done to my backyard, I should let bygones be bygones?”

“Absolutely. That’s what civilized people do. Give me back my truck!”

“So live and let live?”

“Yes. Give me back my truck!!”

“So you are admitting you were wrong to call the sheriff on the concrete workers last summer, to call them again about my concrete work in my backyard and to cut trees that are on my property, and so forth?”

“Well, yeah (He was less heated now as he listened to wat I said). Ted, would you give me back my truck?”

“No, because our current governmental viewpoint you have not behaved and spoke to me in ways I think is appropriate. I’ve confiscated your truck until your friendly neighbor score improves based on my rating system.”

Paul took a swing at me, I countered with some moves I learned in my son’s JKD class and Paul went down quickly with a bloody face and a chipped tooth. He retreated to his property, knocking over a ceramic flower pot as he went.

How long until you think Paul will show up to my door with the sheriff or decide to take matters into his own hands, aiming whatever arsenal he has at my property and family?

How long will it take for me to take the arsenal in my house and get ready to defend my property and family?

Wouldn’t the best way to resolve this neighborly quarrel would be to let bygones be bygones and “llive and let live?”

It’s a good thing that although several of the events mentioned in this post are true, I have not retaliated in any way, but decided to “live and let live.”

If you agree, then maybe it’s time the world does not take other people’s property when they do things they are not happy with. Maybe it’s time the world stop taking Russian assets as well as the personal property of others simply because their Russian and work to not escalate the damage that’s already been done.

Because what world government has done to Russia and its oligarchs, world government could easily do his will only result in more animosity and anger with World War III as the result.

And there will be a winner of World War III. Tyrannical dictators – that I can assure you.

Then, you’ll need my book more than ever, so you can understand how to thrive even while living under world government and in tyranny. It’s found exclusively at

Subscribe to my email list and I’ll include the ‘secret’ chapter, detailing how to avoid living in tyranny for the next 2-5 generations before freedom comes rallying back, as it always does.

What Pelosi and Caesar have in common

Beware of the Idea of March, so said the soothsayer to Caesar. And on March 15, several Roman Senators drew knives and murdered Caesar.

We have a different type of warning for the Ides of March in 2022. Not one of murder, but one of murdering a nation. One of the chief conspirators in this modern day tale is Nancy Pelosi.

One this day, Nancy stated, “The government spending is doing the exact reverse, reducing the national debt. It is not inflationary.”

The Speaker of the House went on to say global inflation “with starts with” Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We’re paying very close attention to it, but this starts with Putin because the global inflation for reasons beyond the gas price… Global inflation is something that we have to deal with globally, but we have our responsibility to deal with it at home, and we have legislation that does just that, by increasing supply and, way that is not adding to inflation.”

After reading through this quote, I realized Nancy is confusing terms and different economic lessons. I am not sure the Nobel laureates she mentioned are confused as well, but Nancy is confusing ‘Supply and Demand’ with Inflation.

Inflation is a specific term used for millennia to describe situations where government desires to spend more than it has in its store houses. Rather than controlling its desires until it has sufficient funds, government skims the edges of coins and mint more coins from the scrapings. But each coin weighs less than the standard, making each coin worth less.

Serrated edges on coins is a common way for coin minters to insure you can’t skim too much gold off the edges of the coin, as the coin would lose the serration, immediately demonstrating to the receiver of the coin the coin is not worth what’s stated on its face.

Another way is to mix the gold or silver with cheap, inferior metals. The coin may weigh the appropriate weight, but the amount of gold or silver within the coin is substantially less than the set standard.

Since government no longer mints gold and silver coins, let’s make this simple.

Let’s say I have 100 coins and 100 pieces of paper. I secretly print 200 more pieces of paper without any more coins finding their way into my vault. So what’s each piece of paper worth? One third of what it was, because now it takes 300 pieces of paper to exchange for my 100 coins.

The US government has been doing this since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. That’s why Alan Greenspan said, “The Federal Reserve created AND SUSTAINED the Great Depression.”

In our recent pandemic, government printed $4-5 trillion dollars and put those dollars into circulation through your Covid checks, the PPP and other methods. Since nothing is done in secret, we realized as consumers that each dollar is worth less as there’s more paper but no new gold coins in Fort Knox. So you, the stores, and I ask for more money to balance the nation’s paper money with the amount of gold and silver available.

Why gold and silver? Because they are rare. Oil, corn, cotton, and other things can be produced more or less creating inflationary cycles at will. With gold and silver, you have small ripples in the economy, not 20 foot waves between the good times and bad.

It’s been said that 40% of all Federal Reserve notes didn’t exist 2 years ago. So you have the marketplace raising their prices to match this 40% more paper in the marketplace.

That’s inflation.

Now Nancy comes along and says, in effect, if you are maxed out on your credit card (reached the limit on the national debt), the way out of that debt is to raise your credit limit and spend more.

Well, if it’s good enough for the government, why isn’t it good enough for me?

And if government is to be praised for doing such actions, why do I go to jail or lose my credit card (along with my ability to spend money) when I do the same thing?

At some point, the paper loses all value, such as the Weimar Republic (Germany) or Venezuela. Wheelbarrows carrying the money to the grocery store become infinitely more value than the paper within them. And the economy crashes.

Would you give away something you’ve sweat, bled and toiled for to others without compensation – consistently and forever? Of course not. Neither will farmers, so food production stops. The same thing happens to all our commodities, from gasoline to heating oil to electricity to wood to nails to shoes to clothing.

Chaos reigns supreme.

And when the society has had enough of the chaos, they ask,

“Where’s someone who will make our streets safe again?”

“Who will ensure we can walk to visit our family safely?”

“Who will get the schools open again?”

And the answer will come from a person who was set up to be a dictator when the extreme inflation began – “I can and I will.”

And like all good sheeple, the masses will elect this person dictator. At that point, the real tyranny begins.

So how do you prosper in such a world? How can you ensure good for yourself, your family, and your loved ones?

That I can tell you – in my new book – exclusively found at

And should you sign up for my email list, I’ll send you the secret chapter, which tells how to avoid two, three, or more generations from falling into tyranny. I’ll provide case studies for you to consider, to implement into your life and to thrive.

Beware of the Ides of March

These famous words from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar warned Caesar of the 15th of March. This was the day members of the Roman Senate rose up and stabbed Caesar 23 times.
“Et tu, Brutus” is another quote from this day.
This morning at work I mentioned to Andrea today was a famous day. She replied, “What day is it?”
I replied, “The Ides of March.”
Andrea asked what it was so I explained it to her. Her response was,
“And we celebrate that?”
I thought for a moment and quickly responded to her question – “Sure. Why not? Death to all tyrants.”
Am I an anarchist or a wishful mass murderer? Do I have that animosity toward anyone that I wish them ill, to the point of death?
Not at all. Not even Putin. Not even if I was in Putin’s Gulag. But that is not the topic of the day.
Much more I would like to see the results the Senators in Ancient Rome desired as a result of murdering Caesar. These Senators desired to restore the Roman Republic.
Unfortunately, it was not to be.
I would like to see US Senators working to restore our American Republic rather than daily demonstrating how much they desire to build an Empire.
Today’s Senators – the Senators within the US Capitol – have several tools available to them. They do not need to rise in mass and murder anyone of the ruling class.
These tools include the:
US Constitution. It is amazin’ how little this document is used. One simple example is the 9th and 10th Amendments, which says anything not specifically written within the pages of the Constitution is reserved for the States and for the people.
This would mean an end to 85-90% of the Federal government, which would return the power back to the hands of the States.
Another is the War Powers Act. A President has no authority to declare war. Congress does.
And the last time the US declared war was World War II. Yet we’ve spent trillions on the Korean conflict, the Vietnam ‘undeclared’ War, Nicaragua, the attack on another Sovereign country in Iraq, Afghanistan and a host of other military actions.
Imagine how much better if the US would have listened to George Washington, who stated “Be friends with all and have alliances with none.”
Protecting our borders against invasion. Our Congress just passed a $1.5 trillion spending package which included protecting the borders of several nations yet $0 for our border. That’s not only unconstitutional, it’s treasonous.
Equal Justice under the law would have done much to quell the protests of 2020. Yet some protests were considered acceptable while others are considered the most egregious attack on our democracy since Pearl Harbor.
These are but a few items on a list that, when you really get down to it, could be as long as the spending package (it was 2700 pages).
Death to tyrants. No. Juries and military tribunals should determine such violations of the law.
Death to tyrannical regimes. Absolutely. From Communist China to North Korea to the tyrannical over-reach in the United States.
Should you be concerned about what would happen should the tyrannical regimes become the tyrannical regime they are capable of, you may wonder how to take care of yourself, your family and your loved ones. That I can show you in my upcoming book, found exclusively at
Subscribe to my email list and get the ‘extra’ chapter, detailing how the country and the world can avoid multi-generations of global tyranny.

Ted Leithart

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Straight-Forward Insights -
Prosper to Your Highest Potential!

My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

WARNING: I can be brash and offensive. If you're offended by rough talk - then you don't want to receive my secrets. But if you enjoy a deep and hearty laugh regularly, then sign on. 

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