
Why are there socialists in America?

That’s the question I asked my cousin this morning. She said, “Well, America’s about diversity, so you are sure to have some socialists just as much as you are bound to have some transgenders or minority race…” and so on.

“Then why do we celebrate the demise of socialism every year in the United States? In fact, it’s a national holiday.”

“It is? I’ve never heard of it, nor have I ever celebrated it.”

“I guarantee you have – without having a clue you are celebrating the death of tyrannical reign in the USA.”

“Are you speaking of the Fourth of July?”

“Not al all. In fact, it isn’t even celebrated during the summer months.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well. I’d be happy to enlighten you.

“When the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower in 1620, they agreed to run Plymouth as a commune or socialist community. Everything was shared and everyone was to benefit equally. But it didn’t turn out that way?”

“Why not?”

“Human nature took precedence.

“For example, as I am sure you have witnessed, some people work harder than others while others can leverage their talents better than others. It’s called the Paredo Principle and it states ‘Eighty percent of the work in an organization is completed by 20% of the workforce.

“Some were willing to take on extra workload while others didn’t.

“The bottom line is that if you don’t receive a good return on your application of time, talent and treasure, you tend to work less and less over time. As a result, the Pilgrims nearly killed themselves off due to lack of food, medicine, nurse maids and so forth.

“The following spring the Pilgrims set aside their communal efforts and each family could provide for themselves and trade with each other for the goods and services each needed. And the community thrived beyond expectation.

“In fact, the capitalist approach to farming resulted in such a great harvest at the end of the growing season, the Pilgrims decided to celebrate. And the celebration was the first Thanksgiving.

“So, you see, without the death of socialism in Plymouth, it could have very well been the death of everyone in the colony.

“That’s the real celebration of Thanksgiving – celebrating the bounty God has provided through his grace and each applying their skills in ways that benefits themselves as well as each other. And doing so without interference from anyone. ”

“All which begs the question – why are there socialists in America?”

China tells Paris (Accord) to f*** off

Amazin’Lee great news I read this week.

I understand China has decided to not continue with the Paris Accords. This is the global warming – Climate Change agreement that everyone signed up to in 2015 that is building the world of 2030, where “we will own nothing and be happy.”

Bobby McFerrin won’t even own the rights to “Don’t Worry, be happy.” The government will – and these wisest among the wise of all time (otherwise known as WOAT = Wisest Of All Time) will determine who gets the rights and income from Bobby’s song.

Yep, the wisest of the wise – of all time.

In fact, they are SO wise the world gave China pretty much the manufacturing duties of most things the West enjoys these day. But that wasn’t good enough.

The WOAT also is busy selling their water rights.

Lemme tell you about water rights. Remember a short time ago when Australia was having problems with wild fires and having a difficult time extinguishing these fires? Do you know why? You see, the WOAT of Australia sold China their water rights. YEP.

And China wouldn’t not allow THEIR water to be used to extinguish the fires… True, true (not a Conspiracy theory).

During the plandemic, the United Kingdom was having major financial problems. The WOAT in Britain found a buyer for their businesses that were failing and the loans that were being defaulted on. Shore did… The People’s Republic of China owns quite a bit of that island today.

Not to be outwitted, we Americans decided to do the same thing.

Look at the $700 million debt that was recently defaulted on in San Francisco. Other similarly sized debts are walked away from by corporations all over America. Who will buy these assets and turn these economic shit-holes around?

Two guesses… Either the same corporations which defaulted on the loan will purchase the asset at bargain basement prices – or China will.

These are the same WOAT who ignored my comment thirty years ago when I stated, “You cannot have a world-class economy by playing the stock market and flipping real estate.” Yet, for thirty years, we have made a pretty good farce of doing this. A farce that America’s economy is strong.

As I said earlier, the best news is China is no longer participating in the Paris Accords. WHY?

There’s only one reason why. China perceives it is in an enviable position. The West is bankrupt. China owns the manufacturing base of the West and is busy buying up real estate and other assets.

In short, China can do what it wants because China believes they are in the driver’s seat. After all, who is going to stop them as our war materiel has been obliterated in Ukraine or sent to Taiwan.

There’s only one way to fix this global economic mess.

Flush globalism and recognize it was born out of a Marxist desire to control the world.

Let China implode the Climate Change lies.

My only question is whether the USA has killed the golden goose well enough to where the United States and the West cannot recover. It may be the only way out is to sell to China at bargain prices.

Nikita Khrushchev said in 1956 that “we will take America without firing a shot.”


How duped do you feel?

There’s only one thing to do – learn how to thrive even while living in slavery – possibly in tyranny. Go to and embrace the strategies.

How to reign in Washington

How do we reign in Washington
For their over-reach needs to be undone
It seems they need to control everything about us – and that is not much fun
If you don’t see that, you probably won’t believe they are trying to turn down the Sun

A few may say we need to revolt
By doing so we are running away from the Constitution like a young colt
What I propose will give Washington quite a jolt
It would be like sending each one of the 536 on Capitol Hill 10,000 volts

Before I get started am I advocating violence or unrest in any way
Not at all, listen to what I say
Listen and learn – and do not listen to the bray
of the Elephants and Donkeys grazing on your money near Potomac Bay

Our Founders gave us a tool
It’s called the Constitution and it was built so the country would never be the fool
All they need is to play it cool
And let the Constitution fight your duel

Not Article V for there is no leash
To curtail the Convention in any way, Capish?
Once 34 states have called for a Con-Con
It’s Congress that chooses the delegates, not you my son,
Nor can the Convention be regulated or controlled
Should you think other otherwise, read the rules before you learn the truth too late, and your pants will be soiled.

Article VI is the tool of which I trust
To handcuff the Federal government, this way is just
Nullify that, Nullify this, ‘Not in MY state’,
Let those who are fools be the ones who suffer Washington’s fate

Hold Washington to task and do not bend
Get off Washington’s teat as well, if you wish to defend
The land of the free and the home of the brave, our honor is the just end
Everything from Washington is all pretend

From money to health care to education too
Big government is not interested in you
Although I must admit Big government loves slaves
Nullify this, Nullify that to keep the home of the brave

Ode to the Federal Reserve

‘Tis amazing the number of ‘Mercuns who don’t like what they see
What is happening to their country, and the land of the free
Many are ‘fit to be tied’ and find Washington to be a peeve
Wondering what will be next, what will they receive
From the globalists and socialists, I call ‘em that ‘cause it ‘fits them to a tee’

When Franklin said we were given a Republic, but did we keep it
For 137 years we kept it, ‘til we were given big government’s teat
Patriots far and wide still recognize this, and it causes quite a fit
Socialism is taking from one, giving to another and pocketing quite a bit
We could easily reign this in should we stop nursing, even though short-term it will be quite a hit
To the nation’s economy

But it will soon turn about
Mark my words, and do not doubt
Doing what I’m telling you will carry quite a clout
All you have to do is stop manufacturing electrons and calling it money.

For the Fed is a fraud since day one
It was enacted to protect the Robber Barons, not for you or me
Should it continue (or CBDC) they will have won,
But should it implode you will not see me
Shed one tear

No Fed means no easy money
For a time it may be slim pickings for you and your honey
But the goal isn’t to die with the largest pile or the most toys
The goal is give the legacy of freedom to our little girls and our boys.

Still, you can learn how to prosper even while living in tyranny by going to my book, found elsewhere on this website.

Election 2024

Donald Vivek and many more
Are working to soar
Into the Oval Office door
As the elected leader of the United States.

Left, Right or somewhere in-between
Come November 24 it will be seen
Who will knock the Biden Crime Syndicate off what might have been
Two terms in office for the ‘Big Guy.’

Will the US of A return to Republic roots
Or will it embrace the tramping of soviet-like boots
Returning to the Constitution will receive resounding hoots
Returning to sound economic policies will stop the loot
Our leaders and elite enrich themselves with, compliments of the public treasury

But should we give our all
Life and Honor are given – it’s duty’s call
Should the Republic fall
And Despots and tyrants rule s’all
We’d better know how to prosper in a socialist society.

Turn On, Tune In and Drop Out?

The secret service cannot find,

Why does America seem to mind

That cocaine was found in the Executive Mansion?

It cannot be Biden’s son,

Nor Joe, Jill or VP Harris,

After all, should we investigate we would harass

And ultimately, it would be someone’s ass

Why, in America would we mind,

Especially since the national pastime is to get stoned blind,

In a unending attempt to find,

White powder chopped and in a line.

Motor through our streets these days,

You’ll find hundreds, perhaps thousands whose life is one never-ending haze

Did you ever think America would embrace such ways?

It began slowly when ‘Mercuns did embrace

The lie that America was built on backs of the black race

We never realized this black-white belief is only Marx

We’ve been set-up, long before we heard of Rosa Parks.

We can return to our roots, that much is true,

We embraced timeless principles once, with only a few

Actively fighting for freedom and liberty.

Embracing these principles again, that is the key

To Truth, Justice and the American way.

America’s first love was Christ, listening to what He would say

E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one. Championing this will brighten our day

To once again become the City Shining on a Hill.

the return of carpool karaoke

I was talking to Owens, a friend from High school this past week. We got on the topic of old songs as I have recently found an oldies radio station that plays east-listening music from our teen and early adult days.

Some of the songs I enjoyed while I was growing up were performed by Grand Funk Radio, Alice Cooper, and Led Zeppelin.

At the same time, I enjoyed easy-listening music from this era.  Owens asked, “Do you mean songs like Barry Manilow songs?”

“Yeah, as well as Jim Croce, Helen Reddy, and others.”

“I get tired of hearing the same old ‘oldies’ you hear everywhere today, from the muzak various retailers play in their playlists.”

“And for some reason, it seems like every plays the same playlist – or at least picks the same songs, probably because they hear a song in a store they are shopping in, and they ask for that song to be played on their store’s playlist.”

“It does seem like everyone is copying everyone else when it comes to playlists in various retail stores, doesn’t it?”

“Sure does.”

“And then the ‘classic rock’ stations seem to pick up on this and play the same songs across the airwaves.”

“That’s one thing about Teddy’s (my older son) concerts. Since he writes his own music and only performs his own music, you don’t hear it elsewhere. At least, not yet.”

“If he gets famous, you will.”

“So I know you enjoyed the easy-listening songs from high school. When’s the last time you heard John Denver’s ‘Sunshine on my shoulder?”

“Just now…” and Owens began singing…

“Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high

If I had a day that I could give you
I’d give to you a day just like today…”

I had joined in with Owens by the second line as we crooned John Denver as best we could. Afterwards, we both thought we had done it better than John had ever done.

“Maybe we can go on the Late, Late show and perform on an episode of Carpool karaoke,” Owners suggested.

“Well, James Corden left the Late, late show several months ago.”

“He did? Man, we could have used that as a springboard to make millions with our music.”

“Maybe we’re not totally screwed. I understand James Corden is starting a new show. He is resurrecting Carpool karaoke but since that term is owned by CBS, he has come up with a new title. It’s called

“I understand the first episode’s guest stars will be the Biden family…”

If you’re tired of hearing the same old news, the same old stories even the conservative talk shows repeat and repeat over and over, about ‘how terrible this or that is’ while rarely providing any solutions, maybe it’s time for a change.

Prospering in a Socialist Society provides specific strategies on how to thrive in even the more dire circumstances. It is found exclusively (at this time) at

School Daze

I overheard a couple of employees at the local hardware store this morning. They were getting ready to set up the back-to-school display (before July 4th).

Employee ONE commented the store used to set up an entire aisle of pencils, pens, erasers, composition books and so on for their back-to-school sale. Employee TWO replied the back-to-school sale has dwindled quite a bit in recent years as much of the schooling has turned to on-line and high tech tools rather than the traditional pencils, paper and chalk boards.

ONE: “You would think the cost of schools would drop substantially due to the use of these high-tech tools.”

TWO: “Yeah, you would think with all these tools, the time grading would drop massively as all the letters, numbers and words can be read legibly as well as spell-check tools.”

ONE: ”Think of the potential drop in property taxes as well.”

TWO: “I agree. But you need to keep in mind the palaces school districts are building. Tax dollars have to pay for all these beautiful buildings and property the school district owns (and runs).”

This reminded me of a comment I heard while at an auction this weekend. A retired college professor was speaking to a colleague on the perimeter of the auction in low tones. He said to his associate there were more administrative staff and overhead staff positions at universities across the nation these days and this was one of the main drivers of college tuition bills increasing so massively.

Given my fractal mind, I began to ruminate about all the ramifications these two conversations stirred. I began thinking of all the classes children take these days.

It is no longer ‘readin’ and ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmatic’. There is so much more to the school day, between the pre-school care, the breakfasts and lunches provided, and the after-school sessions.

In addition, the subjects are much more diverse. Not only is health and science and history to be learned, but health focused on the various proclivities of various genders, including drag queen performances and history based on a Critical Race Theory perspective must be embraced.

I recall a friend’s child who came home from school a couple of years ago to announce they were bi-sexual. At first, the parents were alarmed as well as perplexed.

First, why would a child in 3rd or 4th grade be aware of this term. Secondly, why did a 10-year old child believe they were bi-sexual.

Recently I was made aware that a college several of my friends attended marketed alternative life-styles as something the student body should experiment with. I am the first to admit Numerical Analysis and Gaussian theory is no longer an active part of my professional career, but I somehow have forgotten my college coaching me (or should I say grooming me) to test a sexual smorgasbord to my hearts’ delight.

I realized college tuition and local property taxes could drop substantially – easily and quickly.

All we have to do is purchase a 12- year subscription and renew it for another 4 years for young adults attending college PornHub.

Now for those who believe there are better ways to thrive, you may be interested in Prospering In a Socialist Society. This is a book which provides specific strategies to utilize to thrive – to provide for yourself as well as your loved ones, even while living in tyranny. It’s available at

I miss the America I grew up in

I was perusing through social media this afternoon and came across an advertisement for a shirt which read “I miss the America I grew up in”. In several ways, I agree… At the same time, many of the same forces at work today were at work when I was growing up.

I grew up in a rather idyllic location. While I went to school in the inner city, I lived in the suburbs and car-pooled from my parent’s house to a parochial school close to downtown. The school was attached to the church I attended while growing up. Although it was a Lutheran school, if you could relate to attending a Catholic school during your youth, you can relate.

Because the church and school was connected, I saw my classmates 5 days a week and then again on Sundays.

In addition, since I lived 6 miles away from downtown, I was in the suburbs (at least it was considered that at the time). So while my classmates dealt with inner-city problems, race riots and strained neighborhood relationships outside of school, I was immune to that.

I was aware what was going on, but I didn’t have to live in the situation on a daily basis. The riots and demonstrations of the 1960s were highly visible, but my parents worked to make sure the family was not threatened by those situations. In fact, the family purchased some ‘bug-out’ property in the early 1970s due to the unrest in the city. This ‘farm’ was a place the family could escape to should the situation in the city be intolerable.

What is most important to realize is the same dynamics at work in the 1960s are the same forces at work today. Although it is very unpopular to say, the violence of the 1960s was financed and promoted by the same entities doing the same today.

The leader’s name has changed and possibly their marketing logo has as well, but the work and the strategy to move the United States from a free, peaceful, independent, sovereign country into a piece of the globalist nightmare (currently known as the Great Reset or Agenda 2030) is the same.

In fact, My wife overheard a well-known business coach lamenting the country was being taken over just as some had predicted in the 1960s.

You may have become immune to the anxiety in the country and the world and believe this too will blow over and we’ll get back to normalcy. No, we won’t and we never have. We’ll continue to march lockstep toward our demise unless massive action is quickly undertaken.

The best example I can give of this is Bill Clinton’s legacy.

I maintain Bill Clinton’s legacy is moving the center massively to the left. If you were a Reagan conservative during the 1980s and continued to be such throughout the 1990s, by the end of the Clinton years, you were labelled ‘out-of-touch’ and an extremist.

No. you haven’t moved although words and the redefinition of pieces on the game board did.

Do I long for the days of the 1960s? No, as there was too much upheaval and fighting and preaching of revolution.

Do I long for the 1940s or the 1950s? No. the plants which were ripe in the 1960s universities were planted in the 1930s and 1940s.

So what do I truly long for? Americanism and the principles she was founded on.

No matter the age, the principles she was founded on are timeless. These are principles the Pilgrims quickly realized as their experiment with socialism almost killed off the entire colony.

Ted Leithart

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