
America, land of lost heritage

It is amazin’ to observe the demise of the greatest civilization the world has known From the time of the first European settlers (I’m thinking of the Pilgrims), those who lived on the North American continent were rugged and driven to live life on their own terms.

William Bradford and his band of 106 Pilgrims settled in what is now known as Massachusetts as they had a vision of worshipping and practicing their faith, apart from any government telling them what to believe. Truly they were rugged individualists.

Other settlers to the New World had a similar disposition, that of living free.

In fact, isn’t that one of the tenets of the most basic levels on Maslow’s hierarchy – to live freely.

American history is replete with stories of those having the same thirst in their hearts. Some simply desired a plot of land, a farm, a small business to provide for their family while breathing in the fresh air of liberty.

Revolutionaries to the crown desired the same. Thousands upon thousands of Europeans flocked to the shores of North America to experience this ‘envy of the world’ for themselves.

Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Thomas Edison and countless others embraced the free world, unencumbered by the hierarchy and legalist societies of Europe and elsewhere. Not only were these men rugged individualists, marching to their own tune, but they employed many who found the difficulties within America more tasteful than anywhere else.

Somewhere we lost this. Rather than cheering on the person championing a cause, society ridicules them. Many today love to attack the rugged individualist success stories, touting “you didn’t built that.”

After the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, the city lay in ruins. A few thousand had been killed in that fire – more than the number that died on September 11. (I am not attempting to downplay the tragic events of that day in 2001, but merely attempting to explain the number of lives lost during each event.

Over the past year or so, the USA has experienced a number of catastrophic events, from the Maui fires to Helene and Milton. I don’t know about you, but if my wife and I met a couple named Helene and Milton today, I’d make sure I’d leave the scene as quickly as possible.

Over the past few days, the LA fires have been in the news. The amount of damage and loss of property is almost too amazing to take in.

Yes, there are individuals and organizations to point out on how the fire hydrants were tapped out of water, the lack of water reservoirs and how DEI played a part in this on-going holocaust, but I can tell you this for a fact,

You won’t find the solution to these events in Washington. You won’t find them in adding more regulations and taxes (climate reparations) to strained bank accounts, many of which are already over-leveraged. You won’t find the answer in the LA mayor’s office.

Did their ineptitude assist in these events? Without question, IMHO.

The answer lies in a band of weird, different, willing-to-help, loving farmers from placed such as Holmes County, Ohio. I am speaking of the Amish who built houses in 48 hours for a total cost of $300,000 to help out their fellow Americans in North Carolina and Tennessee.

Again, please get the gist. It wasn’t being Amish that made the difference. It was their rugged individualism backed by God.

It’s not going to be the billionaires in Washington or NYC or elsewhere that will rebuild the country and Make America Great. It’s not going to happen through more defrauding (and bankrupting) the public by debasing the currency.

It isn’t my parading around flaunting my sexual orientation or gender for everyone to exclaim with the little girl in the children’s story book, “but he has no clothes.”

It’s going to take heart. It’s going to take drive. It’s going to take rugged individualism – banding together for the greater good.

Most importantly, it’s going to take trust. A trust in God.

After all, isn’t that what Tocqueville found when he visited America? Isn’t that at the very core of the Constitution – as John Adams noted – “written for a moral and religious people;… wholly inadequate to any other”

That’s yours and my heritage. Now, will we live it?

Lucy’s Stupid Method of Treating Cancer

While Susanna (my wife, soulmate, main and only squeeze, nutritionist AND the one who tolerates me the best) and I were out browsing through various retail stores this past weekend, we ran into Lucy. Neither of us had seen her since the beginning of the Plandemic and to tell the truth, she was a ghost of the lovely woman she was prior to 2020.

Susanna and her quickly decided to go for coffee and I was dragged along because Susanna had driven her car. Catching up was nice, but my mind was elsewhere until Lucy began to tell her tale.

She has cancer. I can’t remember what kind but I do recall her saying it was stage four. My mind wandered into the past, thinking of the various events and trips we had taken with Lucy and her husband until I heard the treatment she had decided on.

As I recall, she stated, “I’ve decided, since cancer is a wasting disease (as in wasting away), to subdue the cancer by determining how best to cope with it to limit its effects.”

“What? No drugs? No chemo? No surgery?”

“No, I did an about-face over the past couple of weeks. You see, I understand the Department of Government Efficiency in the new Trump Administration is working to get rid of the waste in the various agencies and make them as efficient as possible. I figured if that’s how the American government, with an annual budget of $7 trillion handles the stage four cancer the Constitution and the Republic are suffering from, who am I to judge?”

And that, my friends, is what I am sensing.

Rather than make America Constitutional Again, or to Make America a Republic Again, thereby making the task of Making America Great Again happen by osmosis, is the Trump Administration going to keep the agencies and alphabet-soup departments and make them efficient?

This is similar to what happened to HEW in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The dream was to kill off HEW. The reality is HEW became three different bureaucratic agencies within the Federal government.

If the story of Lucy was true, Lucy would have done everything in her power to kill the cancer before it killed her. Now there’s different opinions on how to do that, but she’d aggressively attack this bastard called cancer with everything she could (if she wanted to keep on living).

Similarly, the Trump Administration needs to kill the cancer that has metastasized throughout most of Washington and return the Federal government to its Constitutionally limited size.

By doing so, a new birth of freedom—re-establishing a government of the people, by the people, for the people

Now to make America Great Again will take much more than Trump

Now to make America Great Again will take much more than Trump

The election is over and Kamala is, as I write this, giving her concession speech.

Most Americans, I dare say, will go to sleep for the next 1-1/2 to almost 2 years, until the next election involving candidates for Congress. But it is the worse thing to do, as leaving Trump to Make America Great Again, will have mediocre results at best.

No, I’m not maligning Trump or doubting this drive or focus.

But in four years, we’ll have another election for President. Maybe JD will run or Vivek on the Republican side. Maybe Michelle will be convinced to run for the Democrats. But without patriots doing their job, the election in 2028 will once again pit socialists against Republicans (not the party, but those desiring to live in a free society ruled by law, not by the majority or by the minority).

We have, since the 1960s, been taking a hike down the 6-lane road that ends with a centalized, socialist regime firmly in control, not much different than Mussolini’s Italy, Lenin’s Russia or Castro’s Cuba. Americans have, by and large, been taught to desire and love socialism as they see it as better at helping the poor and down trodden.

History doesn’t show this, however. History shows government to be a poor steward of its money and a worse manager of the issues. Government is great at grabbing for more power – power that is never enough. That’s why the Founders of the United States rejected Democracy or other types of government where the government shackles the citizenry. Instead, the government was the one to be shackled – shackled, chained, kept on the short leash the Constitution gives it.

A couple of paragraphs previous I noted we’ve been marching toward a socialist ‘utopia’ since the 1960s. Actually, this march toward socialism began in Teddy Roosevelt’s Administration. Wilson pushed it further while FDR turned the Republic into a socialist country.

Which leaves many Americans more loyal to Washington with its countless rules and regulations than they are to God. After all, Washington provides birth control, parenting help, education, a large percentage of the jobs throughout the nation, housing, medical care, and social security when you retire.

Rather than trusting in God like Americans did until the 1930s, FDR worked to make Washington God.

Yes, the work is long. Turning a country which has been struck by the shiny baubles socialism promises while turning its back on what made it great has been in the works for 110 years. With government providing the education, teaching our young-uns there is no god but Washington, it will take 30-50 years to return the USA to its Greatness. By greatness I mean what Tocqueville found when he visiting the United States in 1831.

True, Americans whose ideology is in line with the Founders, men like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Samuel Adams, and more can show us the way, but we must be willing to follow.

Not for 4 years.

Not for 12 years.

But for an eternity, should we desire the experiment in self-governance to thrive and reign for as long as there is Earth.

Yes, truly, making America Great Again will take much more than Trump.


What Dolly Levi has to do with tonight’s election

I recall a song from the musical ‘Hello, Dolly’ that it only takes a moment…

Considering we are the most sophisticated nation in the history of the world, that we have the power to blow up the entire world with one nuclear bomb, that our cell phones carry much more power and software than the Apollo spacecraft used in carrying three men to the moon and back again on several missions…

Doesn’t it strike you a bit odd a computer program that, for all practical purposes, is little more than a large Excel file and its only job is to take colored dots on a piece of paper and tabulate these dots into simple addition, with the final outcome determining who wins each contest throughout the nation.

After all, over 180 countries have one-day elections and tabulate the results within hours of the polls closing.

Somehow, the pinnacle of human culture over the past 5000 years needs weeks to tabulate what other countries do in less than a day using pencils and paper.

Somehow this Excel program cannot add in real time, but must begin to tabulate the results after the polls close.

Wouldn’t you think with all the fancy technology the United States possesses, we should have a near 100% accurate count within 60 seconds or less of the last vote being cast.

Any time more than this opens to door to a simple question. Why do we use Dominion or other voting machines and software for vote tabulation if it can’t add ones in real time?

It should, truly, take only a moment.

Your Vote is NOT what is going to make the difference

Yep. I said that right. Your Vote is not what is going to make the difference.

No matter who gets in the White House; No matter who is your Senator or Congressional Representative, it will not matter one bit.

The reason it won’t matter one bit is the bureaucracy with all its rules and regulations is going to keep charging on, making the former Republic that was the United States into the socialist utopia envisioned by most government workers.

I am not saying government workers are bad or evil. I have several friends as well as relatives who work within the Federal system.

But they are naive.

First, they have been educated to believe America was founded based on a desire to oppress people of other cultures or color. It was not.

The United States was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s the reason Europeans came in droves – they desired to live freely as the apostle Paul speaks of in several epistles. In fact, Paul points out there is no Jew or Greek, Slave or free as they are all one in Christ.

John Adams once stated the United States Constitution was designed specifically for a moral and religious people – and that it was wholly unadequate to a people other than this. This is logical, as who needs law if you are diligent to follow a moral code for your life. It’s only when moral law is violated that a remedy is required.

Getting back to my premise, I said your vote is not going to make a difference. Allow me to reason with you for a moment…

The Supreme law of the land is the Constitution.

Many in government believe government can do whatever it desires as it is in power. But, if that is the case, what is the difference between the US government and a tyrant? There is none.

Instead, should you study the Constitution, you will find there’s 17 specific jobs assigned by the people to the Federal government. The supreme law goes further, stating any rule or regulation which does not fall under those 17 jobs is unlawful for the Federal government to administrate, as it is assigned to the States and to the people.

Here’s why your vote doesn’t mean a thing.

Let’s say YOUR guys and girls win every single election. You cheer. You party with like-minded souls like yourself.

And you are lazy enough to believe all is well for the next 2-6 years, depending on your person’s length of service.

That works as well as filling your car with gasoline, diesel or charging it every few years.
That works as well as working out every 700 days
That works as well as eating and drinking every 700 days

Oh, but your guy/ girl’s going to take care of you? Take care of you like they did in Maui? North Carolina? New Orleans? Tennessee?

Rather, should you desire to live free AND you want your children and grand-children to live free, you will hold your guy or girl (even if they are not in YOUR party) to their Oath of Office, following the Supreme law of the land, and at the Federal level, only allowing funding for those 17 assigned duties.

THEN your vote in two years will be a rubber stamp on the job they’ve done on the past two years. OR ridding the country of these rogues and bureaucrats working to change your liberty into slavery.

BTW, since we seem to be moving toward a socialist world, you may wish to understand how to thrive in such a place. You can lean how to Prosper in a Socialist Society (or any tyrannical regime) by grabbing your copy of my book at


a five minute fix to the world’s economic problems

I was talking with a co-worker this morning and mentioned many are buying groceries with their credit card. He replied he was.

If you are paying interest to survive for today, I’m saddened. Yet this is the state many find themselves in, maybe yourself.

You can blame the economy, the government, one Presidential candidate or another. You can blame the Federal Reserve system as well.

But WHO has provided answers on how to FIX such a problem? While I don’t have the muscles of Arnold or the brains of Einstein or the capital of Rupert Murdoch, I will give answers which would FIX the problem today, tomorrow and mostly forever, should my insight be utilized.

“That’s pretty ballsy,” you may say, to which I reply, “Yep. Would you like to hear my answers or be forever stuck with no to few answers?”

Let’s get started.

At the end of WW1, there was an economic downturn in the USA. After all, the United States (and the world) had been manufacturing war materiel. When the war ended, all that purchasing of things, including the logistics and maintenance needed goes away. What was Washington;s response?

Washington did not get involved in rectifying the economy. And within eighteen months, the nation was economically roaring.

Lesson One. Don’t ever ask the government to fix the economy


Twelve years later, the Great Depression hit. Instead of natural economic law rectifying the situation, the government (and the Fed) became the nation’s savior. For all the plans, programs, strategies and more FDR provided in an attempt to turn the economy into a robust one, only WW2 turned the American economy into a robust economy.

And today, the government is working to create WW3 to improve the economy.

Lesson Two. Government uses war and creates catastrophes to make and break economies. Always has. Always will.

Alan Greenspan once commented, “The Federal Reserve CREATED and SUSTAINED the Great Depression.”

Lesson Three. Writing IOUs for ever-increasing amounts does not make an economy. Never will. Never has. In fact, deficit spending and fractional reserves always leads to killing the nation that embraces unnatural economic law.

Instead, backing the economy with a tangible asset would hold the government to living within their means. Otherwise, it would be prudent to put those who indebted the nation via deficit spending and debasing the currency in debtor’s prison until they reimburse the people.

Back in the 1970s, there was a hard-headed woman who became the prime minister of the United Kingdom. Her name was Margaret Thatcher.

The English had realized they had embraced socialism to such a degree a person could live from the womb to the tomb without ever interacting with the private sector. This massive economic burden was killing the nation.

What do wise people do when they are paying out more than they are making. They cut expenses by selling a massive amount of their stuff, especially assets which are not generating positive cashflow. England did exactly that. They privitized most of their economy.

British Leyland disappeared. British Airways became a private company. Assets which were not performing well were revamped to make them attractive to investors. One asset which was in such poor economic condition was sold to the employees for one English pound. And the first day the employees owned the company, it was in the black.

In the USA, we have a Supreme law of the land. It is called the Constitution of the United States. Within this small document are 17 specific jobs assigned to the national government. This same document says ANY job or duty not specifically addressed within the Constitution is not the responsibility of the Federal government, but is reserved to the States and to the people.

In short, the Supreme law of the land says 80-90% of the national government is unconstitutional. So selling those entities, those ‘businesses’, and more, taking the national government out of those ‘businesses’ and putting them in their rightful position, the States or the people, would reduce Washington’s power, influence and budget by 80-90%.

The income from these sales could be applied to paying off the national debt.

Lesson Four. Privatize

That’s it.

Real money, as in a gold and silver backed currency
Downsize the national government to its Constitutional limits
Require Congress to declare war every time we undertake any type of military action – or stay out
Run the economy using sound, timeless economic principles.

Kamala will win…

Harris will win the election

Over the past several weeks, I have have several interesting conversations.

For example, a couple of weeks ago, a friend began touting his belief in capitalism. Although we have had limited discussions on such topics, I have been led to believe by several mutual friends he is a socialist.

When I responded to his capitalist rant by stating, “Roger, I thought you were a socialist” he replied, “I never have said I am a socialist.”

He went on to reflect on a few capitalistic viewpoints, changed the subject to monetary policy and completed his response by stating, “I am totally against abortion, but I am not going to foist my views on others.”

While reflecting on his comments for this post, I fail to see how you can embrace a moral viewpoint on conducting business, being fiscally sound with money yet embrace a laissez-faire attitude when it comes to life. Without life, there’s little need for other thoughts.

And how is Roger voting for? Harris. A socialist through and through. It reminds me of an old television commercial, but I’ll get back to that in a minute or two…

A few days later, I ran into Vance. A few years ago, Vance and I were closed than almost anyone I knew. However, my wife and I determined it best for our son’s education and intellectual growth to move onto other educational facilities. As a result, we saw less and less of Vance and his family. Should we see each other 3-4 times a year now, that would be considered a lot.

I asked how the family was doing as well as other things you ask when you haven’t seen a dear friend for several months.

At some point, we got on the subject of current events. We spoke briefly about the economy and monetary policy and how it was affecting the country. I mentioned the economic woes of the country could easily be rectified by returning to a gold and silver backed currency (my foundational principle is any reasonable person would not loan their gold and silver to others for 15 or 30 or 50 years at next-to-zero interest rates. As a result, building hundreds of thousands of cars which then sit on runways around the country wouldn’t happen as those doing so would be spending 4-9% interest on a depreciating asset).

Allowing the gold-and-silver back currency to compete against the Federal Reserve note in the marketplace – and letting the marketplace determine which currency it wanted.

Vance commented how impressed he is with Kamala Harris, as she is so articulate and can convey her beliefs and policies so well.
“Really?” was my response. “I haven’t heard any policy that has a foundation in reality from her to date. She’s a Marxist and she embraces a future similar to the Soviet Union.”

“But she’s so articulate…”

This from ‘conservative’ friends. Which is why I am predicting Harris will win the election, the country will continue to march onward to being a part of the globalist dream and the USA will shortly be similar to Venezuela.

As I stated, an old television commercial comes to mind which had the concluding message: A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE.

This should give you enough reason to embrace my book, Prospering in a Socialist Society, which demonstrates how you can thrive under the most tyrannical of situations. It is available at

Toward a More Perfect Union… USA USA

I see our #PresidentBiden desires some changes to the Constitution, including a Code of Conduct for #SCOTUS.

Considering the millions skimmed by Americans for the Ukraine – Russia war by Washingtonians, I wonder:

– Did Hunter contribute his insights to incorporate into this code?

– Will there be monies available for each of SCOTUS member to own a Rolls-Royce of their own?

– Will SCOTUS begin to receive kickbacks from the military-industrial complex within the USA?

– Will the SCOTUS Code of Conduct cause problems for Supreme Court members showering with their daughers?

– Will SCOTUS members receive monies from oil executives should they turn a blind eye after the demolition of Nord Stream 3?

– Will SCOTUS be able to legally purchase stocks of corporations and organizations prior to ruling on cases involving same corporations and organizations?

Whatever Happened to Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers…

I just walked out to my golden mail box. In it, I found a property tax bill for a tax due on Wednesday of this week.

Three weeks ago, my bill reminder on QuickBooks notified me it was time to pay my tax bill. Yet I had not received it. I wondered whether the county government had decided to go digital without my catching their notification. So I emailed them.

In their reply was a comment the USPS had lost a quite a large amount of tax bills recently, so they included a pdf version of my tax bill for my review and payment.

Here we are in an election year, determining whether we desire, as a country, to forego 250 years of success unmatched anywhere else in all of history and embrace socialism or return to our heritage.

It is a rather simple task. Take this envelope of package and deliver it to the address noted on the label. Many services do this task daily, from UPS to FedEx to DHL to Amazon to others. But give these packages to the employees who set the mark as one of the highest paid delivery services in the world, and they lose a massive number of bills. Bills which, left unpaid, cause all sorts of problems when the house is sold.

And we, as a nation, want to hand over the operation of the country to incompetence such as this? Your medical care, your children’s education, your ability to pay for college, possibly your career should you take a job with the government and much, much more, all administrated and controlled by an entity that doesn’t seem to accomplish what men running tens of miles over 3000 years ago were able to accomplish.

Personally, I say no. Let’s put the country back into the hands of the people.

But, if you desire to enjoy the ever-lasting heavenly realm of the USSR in a socialist paradise, you may want to pick up a copy of my book which shows you specifically how various individuals have thrived while living under such conditions. Go HERE now to pick up your copy of Prospering in a Socialist Society.

Verstappen Would Never Drive in the Middle of the Road

I was talking to a friend the other day about my automobiles and some upcoming maintenance to keep them running when Phil changed the subject and asked about November’s election.

Who do you like in the Presidential race? I declined a specific answer but said I would be voting for a Constitutionalist.

Phil continued on his rant, saying “I just someone who’s going to be reasonable. A middle-of-the-road guy…”

Isn’t that what most people want? Someone in the middle of the road. But, in reality, you cannot afford to be middle of the road.

If you are middle of the road, you’ll get hit from cars driving on the same road as you as well as the opposing traffic.

If you are middle of the road, you never have the drive to accomplish big things in life, accepting average as acceptable.

If you are middle of the road, you’ll never have life-long health.

Individuals who have lived the most as well as lived successfully have a drive to be the best, or as close to the best they can achieve. There are no middle-of-the-roaders playing in the Olympic games this week. There are no mid-roaders building the best aircraft or houses or cars.

Steve Jobs was anything but a mid-roader. Max Verstappen or Lewis Hamilton won’t welcome tenth (in a field of 20) with anything but distain. Jack Lalanne didn’t exercise only when he felt like it. Nor did he watch what he fed his body only even days of the month.

Personally, I dislike mid-roaders. I don’t have a problem with those who end up as mid-roaders as we all have our faults, errors and mishaps throughout life. But those who accept to not be extremely driven are like the dreamers who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of the mind.

T.E. Lawrence said it best. “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind wake in the day to find it vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”

Don’t be a mid-roader in anything you do. Embrace it or not. But never ‘a little bit of this, a little bit of that…’

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Ted Leithart

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