These famous words from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar warned Caesar of the 15th of March. This was the day members of the Roman Senate rose up and stabbed Caesar 23 times.
“Et tu, Brutus” is another quote from this day.
This morning at work I mentioned to Andrea today was a famous day. She replied, “What day is it?”
I replied, “The Ides of March.”
Andrea asked what it was so I explained it to her. Her response was,
“And we celebrate that?”
I thought for a moment and quickly responded to her question – “Sure. Why not? Death to all tyrants.”
Am I an anarchist or a wishful mass murderer? Do I have that animosity toward anyone that I wish them ill, to the point of death?
Not at all. Not even Putin. Not even if I was in Putin’s Gulag. But that is not the topic of the day.
Much more I would like to see the results the Senators in Ancient Rome desired as a result of murdering Caesar. These Senators desired to restore the Roman Republic.
Unfortunately, it was not to be.
I would like to see US Senators working to restore our American Republic rather than daily demonstrating how much they desire to build an Empire.
Today’s Senators – the Senators within the US Capitol – have several tools available to them. They do not need to rise in mass and murder anyone of the ruling class.
These tools include the:
US Constitution. It is amazin’ how little this document is used. One simple example is the 9th and 10th Amendments, which says anything not specifically written within the pages of the Constitution is reserved for the States and for the people.
This would mean an end to 85-90% of the Federal government, which would return the power back to the hands of the States.
Another is the War Powers Act. A President has no authority to declare war. Congress does.
And the last time the US declared war was World War II. Yet we’ve spent trillions on the Korean conflict, the Vietnam ‘undeclared’ War, Nicaragua, the attack on another Sovereign country in Iraq, Afghanistan and a host of other military actions.
Imagine how much better if the US would have listened to George Washington, who stated “Be friends with all and have alliances with none.”
Protecting our borders against invasion. Our Congress just passed a $1.5 trillion spending package which included protecting the borders of several nations yet $0 for our border. That’s not only unconstitutional, it’s treasonous.
Equal Justice under the law would have done much to quell the protests of 2020. Yet some protests were considered acceptable while others are considered the most egregious attack on our democracy since Pearl Harbor.
These are but a few items on a list that, when you really get down to it, could be as long as the spending package (it was 2700 pages).
Death to tyrants. No. Juries and military tribunals should determine such violations of the law.
Death to tyrannical regimes. Absolutely. From Communist China to North Korea to the tyrannical over-reach in the United States.
Should you be concerned about what would happen should the tyrannical regimes become the tyrannical regime they are capable of, you may wonder how to take care of yourself, your family and your loved ones. That I can show you in my upcoming book, found exclusively at
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