I stopped by Randy’s the other day to drop off some Christmas cookies. Randy and I enjoy shooing the sh** whether it be politics, religion or sex change operations. Once in a while, we even talk about benign topics like monetary policy. But, at the end of the conversation, no matter how much we disagree, we part as friends.
Anyway, we got on the topic of January 6th (I guess it’s time to bring this to the forefront of our sNEWS cycle since it is the 4th anniversary of that event). Randal said he believed there was an insurrection.
I asked, with somewhere between 200 and 300 million guns in the country and arguably 75-80 million MAGA supporters in 2020, where were the guns? Where was the tar and feathers? Unlike BLM marches from 6-7 months earlier, there were no bricks which were convenient – at least none that were thrown?
Where were the breakouts around the country to coincide with the revolution taking place in Washington?
He noted the police had confiscated thousands of weapons before they got to Capitol Hill. As for tar and feathers, that is from a bygone era. And comparing a BLM event was unconsciouable as the BLM events were people with righteous anger who happened to get together to demonstrate while Trump’s January 6th event was a planned insurrection.
Randy’s evidence for the planned insurrection was the amount of lawyering up Trump did leading up to 1/6/21.
Wasn’t that within his legal right?
Randy agreed it was but somehow lawyering up to overthrow an election is equivalent to an insurrection.
Interesting, I commented. So Trump’s entire career was been practice insurrections based on getting his team of lawyers involved in his real estate transactions?
At this point, Randy pointed out the unscathed reputation of the Federal government and its agencies, noting they would never do anything diabolical or treasonous or unethical.
AHHH. I’d like to hear the American Indians thoughts on that last statement. I’d like to hear Oswald’s testimony. I’d like to hear how non-existent weapons of mass destruction justifies invading a sovereign nation.
To which Randy accused me of being one of those on the domestic terrorist watch list.
Yeah, I probably am. I probably have been since I began to regularly point out to my elected national and state Representatives and Senators that when their grand-children are caught defecating on their grave, they have a pretty good argument why this should be allowed…
In conclusion, Randy and I agreed to disagree as we cracked open another beer and began to laugh at the Dr. Phil episode that had been playing in the background during our entire conversation.
After I left, I began wondering what is the ‘official’ definition of insurrection. So I looked it up. Here’s what Dictionary.com said: an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.
Thesaurus.com noted the following synonyms – a coup, a mutiny, a revolution were words which were noted.
The next time Randy and I get together, I’ll have to ask…
So Donald Trump has a pretty large reputation as being a bitch of a negotiator. In fact, one of the best. Yet, with all the support Donald could have had from his 75 million supporters around the country on January 6th, he was too weak to keep the revolution going for more than a few hours. In fact, after less than 6 hours time, he told everyone to go home.
That’s one of the world’s top negotiators?
That’s one pathetic negotiation and that’s one of the weakest revolutions in world history. It’s no wonder we have millions walking into the country unimpeded. America is simply that weak.
If you have read this far in my rant, you’ve prob’ly accepted the fact the United States will soon be a socialist society. And that’s the reason I wrote Prospering in a Socialist Society, so you have strategies and stories of how others have thrived in such cultures. You can find my book HERE. And, let me tell you, the blows I hit in my book are a lot longer lasting than Trump’s January 6th revolution.