In February 2009, Time Magazine announced in its cover story, “We are All Socialists Now”
But are we really?
Barack Obama had recently been elected , winning over John McCain.
Let’s go back in history, shall we?
Should you look at the favorable ratings polls from 2008, Obama was floundering for the lead throughout 2008. Even with as weak a candidate for President as McCain was, Obama was having problems (and McCain was about as weak as our current President).
Enter the financial crisis of 2008, which led to the Great Recession. In September, 2008, McCain suspended his campaign to focus on solving the financial crisis. So who do you vote for? The guy that abandons the post even before he wins it or the guy who keeps campaigning?
Obama wins, with 50.7% of the popular vote compared to 48.3% for McCain. Not bad, for a quitter to still receive this many votes.
In 2012, Obama wins re-election against Romney. Romney stated in May 2012 that we see the world pretty much the same way – in many ways.
So here you have a sitting President who, although you may not like his policies, is someone you have gotten used to (and you only have to tolerate him for 4 more years) – rather than electing someone who sees the world the same way for an additional potential 8 year term.
Although Obama wins, he somehow managed to attain over 100% of the vote in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
In 2020, you have Biden running against President Trump as the heir apparent to the Obama legacy (and to bring civility back to the White House).
So the choice in 2020 is to continue the “best economy in at least 30 years” or to return to the Obama years. America chose to return to Obama.
Yet live broadcast during election night reflected Trump losing the same number of votes that Biden gained as the night wore on. Obviously, someone’s computers were not working properly that evening as Trump was initially assigned votes that would ultimately be assigned to Biden.
Just last week, Forbes magazine noted “88% of Americans say U.S. is on the wrong track.”
So, what am I led to believe?
On the surface, we’ve vacillated from Reagan to Obama in 20 years to bounce back to Trump eight years later and decide it was a mistake. Instead, let’s return to the good ol’ Obama years.
Yet 19 months later, 88% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.
In other words, the country has gone from a strong Constitution loving country to embracing a form of tyrannical government, back to the Constitution and then back to Socialism and back to what sounds to be a desire to return to a Constitutional Republic once again.
Now I know marijuana is now legal for 170 million Americans and for many, it has become the drug of choice. Marijuana also has a strong connection with schizophrenia and psychotic behavior (look it up if you think I am paranoid). This means, in short, exhibiting or suggestive of mental or emotional unsoundness or instability.
It seems to me marijuana use needs to be suppressed greatly (at least until some stability of what America wants as a foundation for society) or the country is being played as well as I was played during my first marriage.
Just sayin’…