Time flies. As recently as two years ago, the USA was experiencing what was considered the best economic situation of the last 5000 years.
Today we are short oil and gasoline, short food, short memory (at least our President has one), supply chain shortages, and very short on the freedom we have taken for granted for over 200 years.
In fact, this week, with gasoline prices at record highs, the #Bidenadministration determined to release 50 million barrels of oil from our #strategicenergyreserves. Of course there are arguments for and against using our strategic oil reserves to manipulate a small portion of our economy for a short period of time, but that’s not my concern.
I did a little research on the internet (yeah, I know, I know, about the credibility of weighing what I believe based on the Internet) but I digress.
Actually, digression in today’s world may be the pinnacle of yours and my day, given the comments In the third sentence of this thought.
OK – I’m almost back on track (and just in time before my pediatrician niece suggests I have ADD again…
My research panned out. In 2020, the USA was using 18 million barrels of oil PER DAY.
Which means, since I have an engineering degree, I can calculate in my head that in less than three days we’ll have used up all 50 million barrels from the energy reserve (with little in fuel pricing as economics is a SCIENCE as well, and not a whim).
So good ol’ Joe and his posse are trotting out a PR campaign to show how the govment (government) is concerned about the high fuel prices.
I wonder whether Joe’s posse has taken the time to research how Keystone and keeping other oil pipelines online as well as keeping the energy policies from the Trump Administration intact (when we were an energy exporting machine, way, way back in 2020) compares to dumping a paltry 50 million barrels on the market.